Lost Ark Gear Guide News
4/11/2022 5:54:20 PMGear Progression is divided into exact item level thresholds. Each Character has to reach these thresholds to become eligible for advancement to further continents and item tiers. In this guide, we will show you the path of progression through each Lost Ark item-level threshold. 250 to 600 - Tier 1 ...
4/11/2022 2:13:12 PMHow to get through that big dry spell that comes with lost ark tier 2 resources, it has been a tough grind to get to tier three, but at least some quick ways to play through right. Here is a guide to help you to enter into the lost ark tier 3 quickly. Lost ark Tier 2 to Tier 3 Guide- Quickest Ways T...
4/8/2022 5:07:02 PMMany of you will reach level three and many of you don't know what the best carvings are, maybe you know about carvings, maybe you don't, but eventually, when you reach level three you're going to have to gear up and you're going to have to do that and figure out what carvings you want, and we're go...
4/2/2022 8:22:18 PMIn Lost Ark, we have been learning a lot about how hard it can be to get from T1 to T3. In this Lost Ark beginner guide, we list the best Lost Ark islands to get tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 honing materials. As soon as you start honing, these are the best Lost Ark tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 material ...
3/29/2022 3:54:56 PMIn order to get item level from 1370 to 1415 in Lost Ark, you need numerous materials. Users on Reddit present simple tricks on how you can save costs and effort.Lost Ark Cheap & Fast 1370 To 1415 Gear Honing StrategyIn a post on Reddit, the user civocivocivo shows an infographic on how to reach ite...
3/16/2022 7:11:28 PMWe'll have a special Lost Ark guide for Tier 3 Islands and Honing Materials to upgrade your gear from 1100 to 1320 very quickly, which covers all the tips and the fastest T3 island route.Lost Ark T3 Island Route & Tier 3 Gear Honing Materials GuideIf you haven't gotten the tier 3 in Lost Ark yet, do...
3/3/2022 2:47:59 PMIt's all about item level when it comes to Lost Ark's gear and endgame growth. When it comes to leveling and performing content, all you need to concentrate on is your class's primary stat before looking at the item level. Once you've reached 600 item level, Tier 2 stuff becomes available to you. In...
3/2/2022 2:05:08 PMPlayers are allowed to gear up from tier 1 to tier 3 in Lost Ark, during the process, you need to upgrade your gear level to achieve the next tier. How to upgrade gear in Lost Ark and what you should know about the gear honing system? Get into the basics of Lost Ark gear upgrading and honing. How to...
2/15/2022 4:37:34 PMDevil Hunter is a super interesting class, he is one of only two classes in the game, one of only two classes in the game with 16 skills, 17 if you count their awakening skills. The other class is their gender unlocked gunner. In order to do his maximum damage, your hands have to touch him, he has a...