As World of Warcraft Classic ventures into the Season of Discovery, the gaming landscape undergoes a transformation with new content, challenges, and, most importantly, the dynamic interplay of classes in both PvE and PvP environments. In our WoW Classic SoD level 25 tier list, we ranked the best DPS, healers, and tanks for Phase 1.
WoW Classic Level 25 Best DPS, Healer & Tank - SOD Level 25 Tier List & Ranking
The WoW Classic Season of Discovery tier lists ranks specs based on their expected performance at level 25, taking into account changes, buffs, abilities accessable, and limitations like mana constraints. Whether you're gearing up for intense battleground clashes or preparing to conquer dungeons and raids, this SoD level 25 ranking serves as your compass, Druids stand out as the strongest tanks, while Hunters, Ret Paladins and Warlocks top the DPS rankings. Mages, Priests, and Paladins lead among healers. Next, let's check the best SoD level 25 classes and specs in phase 1.
SoD DPS Tier List Level 25
Hunters, Ret Paladins and Warlocks take the top spots in S-Tier of the Season of Discovery level 25 DPS ranking due to possessing strong tools that don't rely heavily on resources, allowing them to pump out high damage even with limitations of low-level gearing. Mages and Feral Druids follow in A-Tier with powerful damage options once gear enables critical stats. Melee and other casters fall in lower tiers as they scale harder with levels and items.
S Tier:
Retribution Paladin
A Tier:
Feral Druid
B Tier:
Elemental Shaman
Shadow Priest
Enhancement Shaman
Balance Druid
SoD Healer Tier List Level 25
Arcane Mages, Discipline/Holy Priests, and Holy Paladins dominate S-Tier of WoW Classic Season of Discovery level 25 Healer ranking thanks to having complete, efficient healing toolkits alongside premium buffs/utility. Mages and Priests benefit from strong damage-healing conversions. Resto Druids/Shamans fall slightly behind in A-Tier due to reliance on HOTs that struggle with over-healing in smaller groups.
S Tier:
Arcane Mage
Discipline Priest
Holy Priest
Holy Paladin
A Tier:
Restoration Shaman
Restoration Druid
SoD Tank Tier List Level 25
Feral Druids take the top spot in S-Tier by leveraging armor and mobility to excel at mitigation with upgrades in the Classic WoW SoD Level 25 Tank ranking. Warriors and Paladins follow closely in A-Tier through formidable defenses, though some gaps remain. Warlocks and Shamans show promise in B-Tier but lack optimal Rune setups. Rogues sit alone in C-Tier despite unique style due to full reliance on avoidance and complex rotation.
S Tier:
Feral Druid
A Tier:
B Tier:
C Tier:

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