Prepare yourself for the most challenging and rewarding experience in the World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery. Phase 3 is going to bring a new raid allowing players to acquire valuable loot. Let’s get into a quick rundown of the upcoming WoW SoD phase 3 raid with its location, size, bosses, loot, quest, and more.
New WoW SoD Phase 3 Raid - Sunken Temple
Based on the datamining and leaks, the Temple of Atal'Hakkar, which is also called the Sunken Temple is believed to be the next level-up raid in the Season of Discovery Phase 3. Temple of Atal'Hakkar is a level 50-60 dungeon in WoW Classic, why Sunken Temple will be the SoD phase 3 raid? The data mine shows that it meets all the metrics and designs that Blackfathom Deeps and Gnomeregan received, it has a 3-day lockout which is almost certain that Sunken Temple the next level-up raid for SoD, and its lock ID is literally 23 whereas BFD was 21 and Gnomeregan was 22, those are two little pieces of evidence.
1 - Location
The Sunken Temple is located in the Swamp of Sorrows. To enter this area, you will need to travel to the large lake located in the eastern part of the zone. Once there, carefully climb down into the underwater ruins in the middle of the lake. Then make your way through a maze-like complex of hallways and chambers. Deeper within the ruins lies the instance portal that will transport you into the instanced content.
2 - Bosses & Loot
Speaking of the original bosses within Sunken Temple, there are some conditions to encounter them. Atal'alarion will appear after activating six statues, in the order of south, north, southwest, southeast, northwest, and northeast. These mobs can be turned into a new boss or an amalgamation of little bosses. You need to reach Jammal'an the Prophet by killing the 6 troll mini-bosses, The Avatar of Hakkar must be summoned and the Shade of Eranikus can only be killed after the Avatar of Hakkar dies. Before you can summon Avatar of Hakkar, you have to get an item which is a quest line. It is not sure if they're going to keep the quest line in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
The first four bosses of the previous two level-up raids were also really easy and only the last boss of the last two level-up raids was a little difficult, it may not be surprising to think that they will remain easy for the next one. Each raid boss has a chance to drop some pieces of armor or weapons for the raid. This loot will be distributed via a loot system. Only players present for the boss kill are eligible. There are some rare items are obtainable in the original raid, such as Embrace of the Wind Serpent, Dragon's Call, Firebreather, and Spire of Hakkar
3 - Sizes
How will they change the Sunken Temple in SoD phase 3? The Temple of Atal'Hakkar will get a complete rework into something genuinely fearsome and formidable, it's going to be all about 20-player content and utilizing a proper raid team composition, we expect that Sunken Temple actually has some really good loot, with the raid size increasing to 20-man, they will likely have to double the item drops.
4 - Quest
When it comes to the quest, Sunken Temple has a lot, the Alliance has two exclusive quests and The Horde has three, with there being five neutral quests that both factions can pick up, on top of that every class's level 50 class Quest is inside Sunken Temple, maybe a buff to your class items that Sunken Temple being redone and remastered.

WoW SoD 1-40 Leveling Guide: Fastest Ways to Level Up in WoW Season of Discovery4/8/2024 4:42:47 PM