Welcome to the ultimate Mythic Plus healer tier list for War Within Season 1! This list is designed to provide an in-depth look at how each healer stacks up for high keys (12 and higher) in Mythic Plus content. This ranking will focus solely on high-key performance, not low keys or other content like delves. We are considering overall performance, not specific group compositions or niche situations. There are no ties, no cop-outs, and each healer will have its rightful place on this tier list.
Before we dive into the rankings, it’s important to clarify the criteria. A high key is defined as any Mythic Plus key of level 12 or higher. Lower key content often has more lenient requirements, but for this tier list, we’re concerned with pushing the most challenging content. This takes into account the tuning at launch, but not any future patches or tuning changes that might come with the anniversary patch.
With that, let’s dive into the rankings, starting with the discipline priest!
Discipline Priest — A Tier
Surprising to some, Discipline Priest lands solidly in the A tier for Mythic Plus. This healer was heavily buffed at the start of the expansion and has proven to be an absolute powerhouse in five-man content. Discipline priests have outstanding healing output combined with uncapped AoE damage, which is crucial for surviving high-key content. The discipline toolkit includes Power Infusion (PI), strong defensive capabilities with Barrier and Rapture, and the ability to support your DPS with buffs, making them incredibly versatile.
However, Discipline Priests do have a few weaknesses. Their healing can plummet if Mindbender is not up, which leaves them vulnerable in situations where they can't consistently manage cooldowns. They also lack crucial utility like a curse or poison dispel and have limited crowd control tools. Despite these drawbacks, their damage and healing in five-man content make them a solid A-tier pick.
Holy Paladin — B Tier
The quintessential jack-of-all-trades, Holy Paladin finds itself in the B tier. This healer brings strong utility and consistent healing, and it is a safe, reliable choice for most groups. Holy Paladins excel in situations that require short bursts of AoE healing and have defensive cooldowns like Blessing of Protection and Bubble to handle high-damage mechanics.
However, Holy Paladin lacks the extreme healing throughput or damage output of the top-tier healers. They also don’t have a curse dispel, which can be a disadvantage in certain dungeons. Despite these limitations, Holy Paladins are consistent performers and will always be a good addition to any team, especially in organized groups.
Holy Priest — C Tier
Here’s where things start to stir up some controversy. Holy Priest falls to the C tier, and while it has its strengths, it simply doesn’t bring enough to the table in high-key environments. Holy priests have decent healing throughput but lack the burst AoE healing that is often needed in difficult encounters. Their damage output is mediocre at best, and they don’t bring much utility in the form of important dispels or crowd control.
While Holy Priest can shine in lower keys and more casual settings, in high-key content, it often falls behind other healers that offer better healing output, utility, or damage. If you’re playing for high-key progression, Holy Priest is not the most competitive option.
Mistweaver Monk — B Tier
Next up is Mistweaver Monk, which also lands in the B tier but slightly above Holy Priest. Mistweaver is a strong healer with great AoE healing tools, including Revival, Shay’in, and their new talent abilities. Their passive healing through Fistweaving adds significant value in extended fights, making them a solid choice for high-damage encounters.
One of the biggest downsides to Mistweaver is its low damage output compared to other healers. While it offers solid AoE healing and a lot of utility (such as Ring of Peace and Paralysis), its contribution to overall DPS is limited. For pugs or mid-tier keys, Mistweaver is a great pick, but for high-end content, it doesn’t bring anything particularly unique or game-changing.
Preservation Evoker — A Tier
Now we’re talking! Preservation Evoker lands firmly in the A tier, just ahead of Discipline Priest. Preservation excels in both healing and damage. Their healing output is unmatched, and if played optimally, they can pump out incredible amounts of healing over a short period. Preservation Evoker is also very efficient with its GCDs, allowing it to out-DPS nearly every other healer.
While their range limitations can be frustrating in some encounters, such as fights that require constant movement or spread mechanics, Preservation Evokers make up for this with their ability to handle AoE damage and their versatility in high-key content. The only downside is their relatively weak raid buff, which doesn't bring as much value compared to others. But make no mistake—if you want big heals and solid damage, Preservation Evoker is an excellent choice.
Restoration Druid — B Tier
Restoration Druid is one of the most difficult healers to rank because it offers some unique benefits but suffers from serious drawbacks. On the one hand, Resto Druids bring incredible utility with Mark of the Wild, a battle res, and the ability to dispel both curses and poisons. Additionally, Resto Druid has the highest damage potential of any healer, especially in AoE situations thanks to their ability to leverage Starfire buffs.
However, the biggest issue with Restoration Druid is healing. Their HoT-based healing style can be difficult to manage, especially in situations that require heavy burst AoE healing. Despite this, skilled players can make Resto Druid work, especially if their group is coordinated and can handle the healing throughput gaps. Resto Druid lands in the B tier, just behind Holy Paladin.
Restoration Shaman — S Tier
Finally, we reach the king of healers for Mythic Plus in Season 1: Restoration Shaman. Resto Shamans are, without question, the best all-around healer for high-key content. They bring everything you could want—strong healing throughput, great utility, and solid damage. Resto Shaman excels in AoE healing with tools like Healing Tide Totem and Spirit Link Totem, and they have the most versatile dispel kit in the game with poison, disease, and curse removal.
In addition to their healing prowess, Resto Shamans have a strong interrupt in Wind Shear, which is extremely valuable in high keys, and a raid buff that boosts mastery for the entire group. Their kit is so well-rounded that they don’t have any major weaknesses. This puts Resto Shaman squarely in the S tier and makes them the top pick for Mythic Plus content in War Within Season 1.

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