This is a comprehensive WoW Season of Discovery 1-40 leveling guide, where we will explore the fastest ways to level up in this exciting expansion. Whether you are a seasoned player or a newcomer, this guide will provide you with the strategies and tips to efficiently progress through the early levels of WoW SoD. Let's dive in!
WoW SoD 1-40 Leveling Guide: Fastest Ways to Level Up in WoW Season of Discovery
When it comes to leveling in WoW SoD, you've got two options, you can level as fast as possible but make less gold, level a bit slower, but get way more gold. You need to farm gold for your mount and raid consumes anyway, you're probably not going to get enough gold for your mount if you do dungeon grinding all the way to level 40. The advice is always to do a mixture of both depending on how you feel, so you don't get burned out. There's really no rush to get to max level, it's really fast now with a new XP buff and you've got plenty of time to catch up. Here we are going to be talking about the best methods, practices, and secrets to level as optimal as possible whether you're doing solo leveling or dungeon grinding.
The first advice is to get the sleeping bag quest before level 34, because ideally, you want to get rested XP when you're doing BFD runs, because rested XP will double the amount of XP that you get from the bosses. Sometimes, it's quite a lot. A normal BFD run rewards 208,000 XP if just counting the boss XP, but you can double that to 56,000 with an extra 3% obviously from the sleeping bag. So to get the most out of those student fodder that are going to grant you that rest XP, you want to do it before a BFD run. Alternatively, if you're not going to do BFD runs you can save them for the later levels to get the most reward out of them. Just remember that they have an internal cooldown of 30 minutes, so you want to be using them around level 37, so you get maximum use out of them. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a situation where you have some leftover when you're level 40, just make sure you note your XP per hour that you're farming and use them appropriately. The XP tape is off from BFD before level 34, so do runs level 25 to 34 for XP, but only do them after that if you really need the gear for your pre-base.
Doing Elite Quest grants bonus experience points, so doing those group quests is pretty much worth it most of the time especially if you can complete a number of those group quests in one go in one area. One great thing about being pre-level 40 is you can get both World Buffs, so you should take advantage of that, but really the best World Buff for leveling has to be the BFD buff because of that movement speed increase. So set your hearthstone to Thunder Bluff. When you're in the open world doing questing, you want to be killing multiple enemies whenever you can. So you need to optimize and change your build, so that it's capable of taking on multiple enemies rather than just one enemy at a time. For instance, a Warlock spec in Affliction so that they can multi-do more effectively or a Paladin getting divine storm so that they can cleave enemies. If you can afford consumes, then feel free to get them. But if it's your first time getting to level 40, you really should focus on saving money and that should be your focus anyway no matter what you're doing. So don't spend too much on leveling consumes. The best ones are definitely weapon stones and wizard oil, just remember when you're a Rogue or Shaman, there's no point getting weapon Stones because your poisons and your weapon immunes are better.
If you're looking for the best leveling route out there when it comes to questing, you definitely should be getting rid of XP. There is advice that at around level 37, stop doing quests and do dungeons instead, you want to save quests for when you are max level because they reward more gold. Turning in quests at max level always rewards more gold even with that gold buff that they've introduced in the recent patch. It's actually a rate of the total number of experience points times 0.6 which is six copper and then you divide it by 100 and that's the amount of gold that you're going to get from that quest.
Getting the add-on quest log experience because this displays the exact amount of experience points a quest gives, but also there's a little slider to see whether it's going to give less XP at higher levels.
Optimal dungeon grinding strategies to maximize goal per hour:
First of all, you want to get all the quests for the dungeons that you're doing, they provide even more bonus XP now. Atlas quest will tell you exactly where they are on the map where to pick them up over the coordinates and also when it's pre-quest, you need to complete in order to get the quest for the dungeon.
15-17 Ragefire Chasms
17-22 Deadmines
17-22 Wailing Caverns
22-28 SFK/Stocks
28-34 RFK
28-32 SM GY & LIB
32-35 SM LIB
35-38 SM Arm
38+ SM Cath & Rfd Quest Rune
When you're doing dungeons, make sure you're optimizing your build for AOE damage. This means the best runes and the best talent build to complement those runes.

WoW Season of Discovery (SoD) Phase 3 Raid: Location, Sizes, Bosses, Quest and More3/22/2024 11:51:34 AM