In this guide, we're going to be talking about professions and what we think are the top five best professions for you to take on your journey to level 25 in Phase 1 of WoW Classic Season of Discovery. So without further ado, let's dive into it!
WoW Season of Discovery Best Professions for PvE & PvP Gearing Fast
With the launch of Season of Discovery, there's never been a better time to start your journey in Azeroth. Whether you're a returning veteran or new player just starting out, your choices in professions will play an important role in your character's development through the early levels. In this guide, we'll break down the top five professions that we recommend focusing on to help smooth out your leveling experience and improve your effectiveness in both PvE and PvP content all the way to level 25. With new bonuses and rewards specific to Season of Discovery, some traditionally “lesser” professions are now topping the charts in terms of the power spikes they provide at lower levels.
1. Engineering
Engineering can benefit every single player, everyone can use something from engineering especially in Season of Discovery at this low level bracket. The first thing to take note of is that we're going to be able to get the Green Tinted Goggles which give you 8 Stamina and 7 Spirit, and the Bright-Eye Goggles which give you 9 stamina and 9 spirit. And then a ton of different tools to increase your DPS in raids, give you more survivability in PvP and also make you a lot more deadly out in the world. For starters, we have Solid Dynamite which would be used in PVE mainly either in dungeons or in raids because you have to stand still to throw it but it does 213 to 287 fire damage in a 5-yard AOE radius. Another great thing we can get is Goblin Jumper Cables which are a trinket that will give you a chance to resurrect players whether it's in the raid, in Dungeon, out in the world Warsong Gulch, or wherever you are, even if your class doesn't have a resurrect. Keep in mind though it doesn't always work 100% of the time. Another great item you can get is the Goblin Land Mine, these are land mines that you can place on the ground that deal 394 to 506 fire damage when a creature or player passes it. We've actually seen some PVP plays with Goblin Land Mines so these are a must-have especially for the crazy amount of world PVP that's going to be going on.
Of course, we can't forget about the Iron Grenades, these are going to be amazing in PvP whether it's in Warong Gulch or Open World. The best part about grenades is that you can cast them while moving, so you could be chasing someone down and be flinging it, and as long as you time it right and you know where they're going to walk and you hit them with it, it's going to do 132 to 218 fire damage and it's going to stun them for 3 seconds
So now maybe you're out in Ashenvale trying to do some quests or maybe you're looking for World PVP and you come across a Frost Mage, now one thing that engineering can help you with at this level is fighting a Frost Mage. You can craft an Ice Deflector it does is it's an onuse so when you use it you gain a shield that will absorb up to 600 Frost damage that lasts 1 minute and it's on a 15-minute cooldown. This definitely will come in handy when you're trying to fight off all those pesky Frost mages.
Last but certainly not least, we have the Discombobulator Ray, this item is great for PVP, it has an on-use that transforms a Target into a lepone reducing its melee and spell damage by 40 and movement speed by 20% for 12 seconds. It has five charges and a one-minute cooldown, this is going to be a lot of fun to use in open world PVP.
So basically if you want to make yourself more threatening in PvP whether it's Warsong Gulch or Open World or you want to do more DPS in raid, Engineering is going to be a must-have for you.
2. Tailoring
Especially if you're a Caster, early on tailoring is amazing because you're able to craft yourself bags, but that's not why we are picking it. Tailoring is super important especially in WoW Classic Season of Discovery for all casters because it's going to give you access to a really great piece of gear, that's going to be best in slot in phase 1. So right off the bag, you probably all know the Spidersilk Boots which are blue cloth BoE boots that give you 4 stamina, 4 Intel, and 7 spirit. In Season of Discovery, they added a new pair of boots that only tailors are going to be able to use, meaning you need to be a tailor to equip and use these boots. These boots are going to be the Extraplanar Spidersilk Boots, they're cloth boots that give you 4 stamina, 4 intellect, 7 spirit, 7 spell damage, 1% spell hit, and an onuse effect that will reduce your threat and reduce all damage you take by 30%, and reduce your damage done by 30% for 6 seconds. But aside from the on use that 1% spell hit and 7 spell damage is more than enough to make these boots absolutely worth it.
3. Leatherworking
Leatherworking is going to be essential if you're playing DPS Warrior, DPS Paladin, Rogue, Feral Druid, Hunter, or Enhancement Shaman, simply because the items you're going to be able to use by being a leather worker in this phase are going to be amazing. Right off the bat, you know the Deviate Scale Belt which is a great leather belt that gives you 5 agility, 6 stamina, and 3 Spirit. We have the Toughened Leather Gloves that give you 6 agility, 3 stamina, and 6 spirit. And then we have the Void-Touched Leather Gauntlets, these are leather gloves that give you 3 stamina, 6 Intel, 6 Spirit, 1% spell hit, and an onuse effect that will increase your spell damage and threat by 10% for 10 seconds on a 10-minute cooldown, this would be used on like boomkins and elemental shaman, that would be best in slot for your gloves. Then you can also craft the Void-Touched Leather Gloves which are also leather gloves that give you 6 agility, 6 stamina, 3 Spirit, 1% hit, and an onuse effect that increases your attack speed and threat by 10% for 10 seconds on a 10-minute cooldown, this would be used on your Feral Druids, Rogues, Hunters, Enhancement Shaman, Fury Warriors, maybe even your Ret Paladins. These gloves are not going to be something you want to pass up, so consider leather working if you're looking for that extra hit and that good 10% boost to your attack speed.
4. Blacksmithing
Blacksmithing has always been good in Vanilla, however, in Season of Discovery, we've gotten some improvements, now you all probably know the Shining Silver Breastplate which is the mail chest piece that gives you 14 strength and 6 stamina. However, in Season of Discovery, they added of course a new one - the Shifting Silver Breastplate which is a mail chest piece that gives you that 14 strength and 6 stamina but it also will give you 1% hit, with an equip effect that has a high chance chance of inflicting a curse upon attackers causing the attacker to take additional damage from all sources in the raid. Now the best thing about this is that if you are a Warrior or a Paladin tank, you are going to want to be wearing this because that curse will boost the entire raid group's DPS, so it's an absolute must-have.
Some other new items that blacksmiths will be crafting in Season of Discovery are the Blackfathom Sharpening Stones, these sharpening stones will increase your chance to hit by 2%, so if you're dual wielding you can put one on each weapon and gain 4% chance to hit, however, these only work inside the BFD raid. So obviously those are going to be your go-to sharpening stones.
But let's not forget about the Solid Sharpening Stones and the Solid Weightstones to increase your weapon damage by 6 maybe when you're out in Warsong Gulch or open world PVP.
And we also can't forget about the Steel Weapon Chain, this thing is essential for PVP. At level 25, we are sure only Warrior and Rogue are the only classes that can disarm you, so we wouldn't worry about this too much however it's always good to have some kind of weapon with a weapon chain on it when you're fighting a warrior or a rogue that maybe you can throw it on, so that you cannot get disarmed. And this will really become useful later on now.
5. Enchanting
Now the one new thing that enchanters have gotten in Season of Discovery is the Blackfathom Mana Oil, so this is a Mana oil that you're going to put on your weapon is going to give you 12 Mana Per 5 and 2% spell hit, but again it's only usable in BFD. So don't forget you also have Minor Mana Oil which is not that great it just gives you 4 MP5 that you can use out in the world but that Blackfathom Mana oil is going to be essential for all Caster DPS. Now not only do you get to enchant your gear and do all that fun stuff with enchanting, but early on in Phase 1 when there's a fresh version of WoW, enchanting is a massive Money Maker. In the first week when everyone's just getting in for the first time just starting to level up crafting and selling wands is a huge profit, and you can also disenchant all Greens that you come by and start selling those mats on the auction house. Other than that the benefits of enchanting are being able to pretty much turn any green into enchanting materials that you can sell, or use those materials to level enchanting and toss some free enchants out to your friends and guildmates. Especially in later phases maybe Phase 2 or 3, when you start getting more rare enchanting materials, this is going to be a massive money maker.
So those would be the five professions that we think will benefit people the most. If you're looking for professions that benefit your performance in the game, all of these professions give you something that's going to increase your DPS, make you better at PVP, or something of the sort. Basically what we are trying to say is these will be the meta professions for some classes.

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