The route starts in Booty Bay (so you can just start after clearing Gnomeregan and teleporting back) and ends in Tanaris (which means you can just start farming ZF right after, there are just a few more turn-ins in Oggrimar later when going back to learn new spells). So far we managed to fit around 250k XP in (potentially a bit more possible if you haven't done the dark riders rune quests and with some professions quests). This should give around 2.5 levels. The route is kinda tryhard because there are a lot of quest chains to precomplete (The good side is that there is plenty of gold to be made preparing this).
-Quests to have in quests logs are numbered (a bit more than 20 are listed to give some alternatives)
-Escort quests are noted separately (if your questlog is full, you can still get 5 extra escort quests if someone in your group start them (have to confirm it still work ?))
-Quests without numbers are either quests that start from an item or quests to pick up that can be completed instantly if you have the item in your bag
-Note that alot of the quests to get or to pick up at some points are chain that need to be precompleted
Gnomeregan(complete and teleport back to BB)
Booty Bay
1.Facing Negolash (7100)
2.Stranglethorn Fever (5850)
(escort) Rescue OOX-22/FE! (4850)
3.The Bloodsail Buccaneers (4850)
4.Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog (4700)
5.Cracking Maury's Foot (4650)
Pick Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's Stout (3750) (require Zanzil’s secret done. Deliver in shimmering flats at the end (2h timer))
Pick Stoley's Debt (360) (turn in in tanaris)
Fly to GromGol
6.The Mind's Eye (5050)
7.Mok'thardin's Enchantment (4650)
Pick up Marg Speaks (to dustwallow march) (3150) (require prequest The troll witchdoctor precompleted)
8.Big Game hunter (5350)
(STV pages) The Green Hills of Stranglethorn (4700 + 3120)
Fly to stonard from Grom'Gol
Swamp of sorrow
9.Pool of Tears (4450) -> (hinterlands) The Atal'ai Exile (3750)
Pick up Neeka Bloodscar (1350) (complete in Kargath later)
(Cortello's riddle) Cortello's Riddle (3600)
(Noboru’s cudgel) Noboru the Cudgel (2900)
(escort) Galen’s escape (2850)
If you didn’t finish the Dark riders runes, go to deadwind pass with all the items:
Accept and complete A curious Relic (1550 * 7) -> A service to Dalaran (3900) (total: 14750)
Fly to Kargath
(sign of the earth) Broken Alliance (3600)
(frost oil) Coolant Heads Prevail (2850) -> (Gyrochronatom) Gyro... What? (2850)
(healing potion, invisibility potion) Liquid Stone (2100)
(Patterned Bronze Bracers) Stone Is Better than Cloth (2550)
Study of the Elements: Rock (to precomplete) -> This Is Going to Be Hard (4850)
(4xBuzzard wings) Barbecued Buzzard Wings (2350)
Pick News for Fizzle (Shimmering flats) (1450) (require Indurium done)
Hearth to TB
10.Frostmaw (4250)
11.The Platinum Discs (5250) -> The Platinum Discs (420) -> Portents of Uldum (470) -> (tanaris) Seeing What Happens (4700) -> The Stone Watcher (4700) -> (TB) Return to Thunder Bluff (470) -> A Future Task (4700)
Turn in Supply boxes
Fly to Brackenwall village
12.Identifying the Brood (5350) -> The Brood of Onyxia (360) -> The Brood of Onyxia (360)
13.Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern (4450)
(escort) Stinky escape (2850)
14.Army of the back dragon (4450)
Complete Marg Speaks (3150) -> Report to Zor (oggrimar) (3150) -> Service to the Horde (oggrimar) (1550)
(Moonsteel Broadsword) Jarl Needs a Blade (3450)
(to accept) Suspicious Hoofprints (1350) Lieutenant Paval Reethe (700) The black shield (700 + 280)
.Cortello's Riddle (3600) (follow up in hinterlands later for 7k xp)
(to accept) Tiara of the deep (quest in ZF)
Fly to Feralas
15.Mountain Giant Muisek (4700) ->↓
16.Natural Materials (4700) -> Weapons of Spirit (4700)
17.Stinglasher (4200)
18.Improved Quality (4400)
(Perfect Yeti Hide) Perfect Yeti Hide (440)
Pick up (to oggrimar) Zukk'ash Report (4400) (require precomplete Zukk'ash Infestation (3900) and stringlasher)
Pick up (to oggrimar) The gordunni orb (2100) (require precomplete Dark ceremony (4050))
Pick up (to oggrimar) A Grim Discovery (4850) (require precomplete A Grim Discovery (3900) )
Fly to Gadgetzan
(escort) Tooga's quest (5900)
(12 Giant egg, 10 Zesty clam meat, 20 Alterac Swiss) Clamlette Surprise (3900) (Master cooking quest)
(5*Wastewander Water Pouch) Water Pounch Bounty (2800)
(5*Wastewander Water Pouch) Slake that thirst (3050)
19.WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting (5050)
20.The Scrimshank Redemption (4400) -> Insect Part Analysis (440) -> Insect Part Analysis (440) -> (oggrimar) Rise of the Silithid (5450)
(Ship Schedule) Ship Schedule (4850)
21.Stoley's Shipment (3900) -> (Booty bay) Deliver to MacKinley (3900)
22.Southsea Shakedown (3900)
23. WANTED: Andre Firebeard (3900)
24.Pirates hats ahoy (3900)
Complete Seeing What Happens (4700) -> The Stone Watcher (4700). Pick up Return to Thunder Bluff (470)
Complete Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's Stout (3750) in shimmering flats
Complete News for Fizzle (1450) (Keeping pace and Rizzle’s schematics might be doable for extra 3300xp)
Pick up Gahz'rilla (ZF quest)
Pick up Safety First and complete in gadgetzan (820) Complete the last part later (pick it back to shimmering flats for 820 extra xp, require goblin sponsorship quest chain precompleted)
(Hyppogryph egg) The Super Egg-O-Matic (4200) (require level 42)
Pick up ZF quests (precomplete Screecher Spirits)
Thunderbluff (later, while going to train new spells)
Complete Return to Thunder Bluff (470) -> A Future Task (4700)
Oggrimar (later, while going to train new spells)
Complete the quests picked up everywhere:
Rise of the Silithid (5450)
Report to Zor (3150) -> Service to the Horde (1550)
Zukk'ash Report (4400)
The gordunni orb (2100)
A Grim Discovery (4850)
(Shattered necklace) Necklace Recovery (2450) (Depends if can keep necklace without the quest)
Pick and complete Ripple Recovery (440) (require lvl 42)
Extra quests to look for:
Professions quests you might pick on the way that can be completed instantly with the mats in bag
Example Leatherworking quests in Feralas:
Wild leather armor (1950) (Thick leather *10) ->
Wild Leather Boots (2900) (2 Nightscape Pants, 2 Nightscape Boots, 2 Wildvines)
Wild Leather Helmet (2900) (2 Nightscape Tunics, 2 Nightscape Headbands, 1 Wildvine)
Wild Leather Leggings (2900) (2 Turtle Scale Helms, 2 Turtle Scale Bracers, 2 Wildvines)
Wild Leather Shoulders (2900) (6 Thick Armor Kits, 1 Wildvine)
Wild Leather Vest (2900) (2 Turtle Scale Breastplates, 2 Turtle Scale Gloves, 1 Wildvine)
-> Master of the Wild Leather (Thunder Bluff) (3900)
Result: ~250k xp close to 2.5 levels (Up to ~275k with dark riders and LW quests)
This route didn’t use cloth turn-ins. If you don’t want to save them for next phase, wool, silk and mageweave turn ins is an extra 22400 xp
If mage or access to a mage portal, porting to Undercity with RFD & SM quests will give a bit more xp than some of the above quests.

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