The key is maximizing PvE focus through objective completion, mob farming, and chest looting while also taking aggressive opportunities through strong abilities when possible. Ranking up the right abilities and playing opportunistically is important as well. If you need the best wow gold, come to Utplay!
How to Earn Loads of Plunder Easily in Dragonflight
1. Spell rank is very impactful.
Rank matters humongously, but if you've got a common versus an epic, the Epic will do more damage and its cooldown will be way shorter.
2. Develop situational awareness habits.
Focus on situational awareness, this is one of the big game skills that will help you so much here, after any major engagement where you’ve made yourself visible, just swirl around your camera.
3. Heal early, heal often.
Saving your potion for when you absolutely need it, they're rechargeable as long as you're fairly sure you're not going to be ranked just use that damn thing and keep your health topped up at all times.
4. Create 'healweaving' opportunities using your spells.
Think about how you're going to be weaving healing into your Jewels with other players.
5. Don't waste time in pointless fights!
6. Be a vulture.
This is one of the most important things, your situational awareness is not just a defensive thing, you want to use it to be a vulture to be a scavenger, scavenge abilities left over from Fallen enemies.
7. Mouseover abilities that are far away.
Ability icons only appear when you get close to them wizard probably did this just to make sure that the game wasn't just a massive sea of icons, but whatever you do just Mouseover them before the icon appears if you do that the tool tip will tell you what the ability is, this is just one of those things it can save you 5 Seconds here, 10 seconds there and across an entire game that can really add up.
8. Dive bomb - get into the fight early!
Whenever you spawn in, generally speaking, you want to dive bomb straight down vertically as quickly as you can because if you hit the ground before other players well maybe you can loot that chest, do whatever you need to do, even if it's only a few seconds of a difference that could be the difference between you actually having one or two abilities whenever you enter your first fight that can be pretty big.
9. Adopt an aggressive playstyle.
10. Be greedy.
PVE mobs do barely any damage and if you Circle Strife you'll pretty much avoid all of it and that basically means pull like absolute mad, if you do that you will find yourself outling all the competition most of the fights, if people are generally a higher level than you whenever you are bumping in to them that probably says you just need to focus on your Basics focus on farming.

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