In World of Warcraft's Dragonflight Season 2 patch 10.1.5, reaching a high item level is also crucial for tackling challenging content and staying competitive. This guide will provide you with the best methods to gear up to ilvl 430+ fast in Dragonflight 10.1.5.
How to Get Fast Ilvl 430+ Gear in 10.1.5 Dragonflight - Best Ways to Gear Up in WoW Dragonflight S2 10.1.5
WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 introduces a few new ways to gear up especially for new alts or players who are returning to the game. There are also updates to give everyone more access to the highest tiers of gear available in Season 2, and plenty of opportunities to get some shiny transmog. With these changes, everyone should be able to get to item level 424 very easily. Then there are more ways than ever before to reach item level of 447, which is one of the highest item levels you can get in the game right now. So there's something for everyone when it comes to new gearing options. Let's go through how to gear up in patch 10.1.5, how to quickly & easily get up to item level 430 and above, and how you can get your hands on those higher item level rewards as well.
How to Get Gear from Time Rifts 10.1.5
One of the newest open world gearing options we have in 10.1.5 comes from the Time Rifts.
- Time Rifts have two lines of rewards, many activities are going to reward you with Paracausal Flakes. This new currency can be used to buy all sorts of goodies from the Time Rift vendors, transmog, pets, mounts, tabards, but it's almost all cosmetic. The only gear you can buy with Paracausal Flakes are the various new trinkets. Some of these are pretty strong, some of them are bad, so just check your class guides on Wowhead or Discord to see if any of them are good for you. They're probably going to be better than a trinket you have left over from leveling. So if that's all you've got going for you, these trinkets should be a nice little upgrade.
- For any other gear slots, you are going to need to visit this specific vendor. They have gear for almost every slot including weapons, but it does use a different currency, Dilated Time Capsules. Every time you kill a rift boss, there's a chance for you to get a Dilated Time Capsules. And if you come across an Encapsulated Destiny, you can use these to guarantee a reward from the rift boss. So that helps if your RNG is a little bad. All of this gear is item level 402 and it starts on the veteran track at 1/8, which means it can be upgraded to item level 424. So for each and every Dilated Time Capsule you get, you can buy a new piece of gear of your choice.
- There's also a weekly quest for the Time Rifts called “When Time: Needs Mending”, you just have to complete a Time Rift and you'll get a box of goodies. This box includes a bunch of stuff including Paracausal Flakes and Dilated Time Capsules. So pick that up before you head into your first Time Rift of the week.
- If you want to buy specific things on different characters or just want to try and farm Paracausal Flakes while gearing up an alt, you can trade your Paracausal Flakes between characters. The gear vendor is also going to sell a box of Paracausal Flakes, it costs 500 and it will give you 500 when you open it. So you actually don't lose any in the conversion, you just need to buy these crates, mail them to your alts and then they can open them up easy to get access to your Paracausal Flakes.
Timerift Gear in the Catalyst
Something super important about the Time Rift gear is that it can be used in the Revival Catalyst. If you aren't aware, the Catalyst will let you turn gear from specific sources into tier set gear which will provide you with powerful set bonuses. So not every piece of gear works in the Catalyst, usually the stuff that does work is a little harder to obtain like raid gear or Mythic+ gear. For open world players, the only real source of gear that worked in the Catalyst before this patch came from the Fyrakk Assaults. That gear was random, making it hard to get the pieces you really want. The Timerift gear is completely different, you can buy whatever piece of gear you want and upgrade it in the Catalyst to whichever tier set piece you might still need. So that's a great little extra if you still don't have your full tier set equipped just yet.
Transmog Farming Trick
Then squeeze this in here because while it's not necessarily related to increasing your item level in gear, it's potentially quite valuable because you can unlock both the LFR and the normal rate tier transmog sets by using the Time Rift gear as well.
If you buy the item and convert it to a tier set piece using the Catalyst right away, that will unlock the LFR appearance for you. And then if you then upgrade that item to item level 415, it will unlock the normal appearance for you as well. So if you love transmog hunting and want all of these color variations for the current rage set, the Time Rift gear is one of the easiest ways to get the LFR and normal transmog unlocks in One Fell Swoop.
How to Get Gear from Megadungeon 10.1.5
This patch also introduced the dawn of the infinite Megadungeon, this gives you another option for gearing up in Dragonflight. Every boss can drop item level 437 gear which can then be upgraded to 441. So if you want high raid level gear without having to go into the raid, the megadungeon could be just for you. There are 8 bosses, and each boss also drops 5 aspect crest fragments which can help you with upgrading your other gear as well. If you can manage the hard mode which includes getting some items throughout the run, doing a little bit of extra work on the last boss and completing the entire run without anyone dying, the last boss will drop item level 441 gear that can be upgraded to 447. So that can be a huge upgrade if you're capable of running the entire dungeon without dying which is quite a tall ask with it being so new.
There are new options for getting alts caught up quickly in patch 10.1.5:
New Options in Raid
If you're looking for some other big gear upgrades, the avarice raid still offers a very high item level gear. Normal mode drops item level 415 to 424, heroic can drop 428 to 437, and Mythic can drop 441 to 450. So the higher you can progress through the raid, the better gear you are going to get. You can also hop straight into LFR, the gear is going to be a bit lower though, it starts at 402 and goes up to 411. So you're not going to get much better gear from doing LFR versus something like the time rifts. The special trinkets from the raid could be nice, and the last boss drops some interesting items including a chance of the legendary for evokers, but apart from that, you're not going to see any big upgrades from running LFR. So raid is mostly the same as it was before 10.1.
The only new thing in this patch related to raid gearing is for the top end of players, items that drop at eye level 441 or 444 will be on a new upgrade track, that lets you upgrade the loot to item level 447. For Heroic mode, this only covers a few very specific items like the class trinkets or the soccer as cloak, so it's still useful just not as impactful as it is for Mythic raid loot, almost everything from the earlier bosses on Mythic can now be upgraded to 447, making early Mythic bosses much better in general when it comes to loot.
New Options in Dungeons
The other major player in endgame gearing is still Mythic+ dungeons. The item level rewards you can get from the end of dungeon chest caps out at 431 item level which is from a +19 key. So in dungeon rewards haven't changed but they're still an incredible source of higher item level gear, if you can push those higher keys. But there is another piece to this puzzle which did change with this patch. As you run Mythic+ keys, you'll start filling up your weekly vault reward row for dungeons. You need to get 1 key to get the first reward, 4 to get the second and 8 to get all 3 options in your weekly vault. So the higher keys you run, the higher rewards you can get.
Here’s the chart to help you easy to see what key level can get you in the weekly vault.
How to Use Crafted Gear for Quick Gearing in 10.1.5 Season 2
It’s also important to talk about crafting and crafted gear, because this is way more accessible when compared to the previous season and there are a lot of Sparks floating around right now. You should always aim to get your gear crafted at rank 5 which is really easy for any long-term crafters nowadays. So gear crafted with a Spark of Shadow Flame start to item level 424. You don't need anything extra, you just need the profession materials, so no raiding or Mythic+, no higher end content, all you really need is that spark.
Where to get sparks of shadowflame in Dragonflight 10.1.5?
You can get sparks from the weekly quest in loam or from the catch-up system. So one spark is an easy piece of 424 gear and you can choose the stats on it. You can then also upgrade this gear further if you gain access to worm crests or aspect crests by getting an enchanter to craft an enchanted crest using worm or aspect crests. You'll do that with a crafting order, worm crests are going to let you upgrade crafted gear to 437 while aspect crests let you bump it up even further to 447 which rivals some of the best gear in the game. If you decide to go for those +16 keys, that's enough to get aspect crests. The megadungeon also drops aspect crests from each boss, so there are quite a few different ways to get your hands on these upgrade materials which then unlock some of the best gear for you.
Thanks to the spark catch-up system, you can loot splintered sparks from all kinds of content including raid bosses, Mythic+ dungeons, Dawn of the Infinite dungeon bosses, Fyrakk Assaults, the Researchers Under Fire events, the New World boss. So all sorts of content, most of which is very accessible. So if you're playing the game, you should be getting these pretty quickly, 2 splinters equals 1 spark, so you don't have to wait for the half spark per week. So gearing up through crafted gear can be super fast with huge upgrade potential if you do run some higher Mythic+ keys or take part in some higher types of content later on.
New Gear Boxes
There's a new gear box that's available from PvP vendors in Valdrakken, this will cost you 375 conquest and contains a random piece of item level 408 PvP gear, you will also need to be challenge a 2 to buy these boxes. There's also a Mythic+ gear box from Spinosa down in loam, these will cost you 250 flight stones, it will contain a random piece of item level 398 gear, you also need to have at least 1000 Mythic+ rating to buy these boxes. Both of these boxes are bind on account which means you can send them to your alts to help them quickly gear up. These boxes are random, it's also a higher item level, but that does put it on the higher upgrade track. The Mythic+ boxes especially are quite low, so you can only upgrade them to item level 411, they're great if you are swimming in Flightstones and want some very quick upgrades for a brand new alt.
Below, we list the Dragonflight 10.1.5 gearing methods shared by the WoW community fans:
Myth Gear Track: This is a new system that allows you to upgrade your gear from 441 to 447 item level using Myth Shards, which can be obtained from various activities such as raids, dungeons, world quests, etc. You can also use Myth Shards to buy new gear from the Myth Vendor in the capital cities.
Time Rift World Event: This is a new event that occurs every week and offers item level 402 gear that can be upgraded to 424 using Time Rift Essences, which can be earned from completing Time Rift quests and activities. You can also buy Time Rift gear from the Time Rift vendors in the capital cities.
Mega Dungeons: These are new 5-player dungeons that offer item level 424 gear and can be accessed through the Dungeon Finder or by using a Mega Dungeon Key, which can be obtained from completing a weekly quest or bought from the Mega Dungeon Vendor in the capital cities.
Fractures in Time: These are new solo or group scenarios that offer item level 430 gear and can be accessed through the Fracture Finder or by using a Fracture Key, which can be obtained from completing a weekly quest or bought from the Fracture Vendor in the capital cities.
Should You Gear Up Now or Wait Until Patch 10.1.7?
The next patch 10.1.7 is already up on the PTR and has started its testing cycle. The patch seems very focused on catch-up mechanics including some new gearing options that let you get even higher item level gear. The new events coming currently reward you with item level 415 gear which should be on the champion upgrade track, which means they will be upgradable up to item level 437 assuming you can get your hands on the appropriate at crests. That's pretty crazy for open world events. This is definitely going to be another massive gear farm like we had in 10.0.7 and the Forbidden Reach.
So if you're pushing the higher tiers of gearing, working on the rain in heroic or Mythic mode, doing the new Megadungeon on Mythic mode, maybe even the hard mode to get that 441 gear, that will still be the best gear in the next patch. So you won't really be able to replace or beat that stuff with 10.1.7 catch-up systems. But if you're at the lower ends of gear, just wait, focus on things like crafting gear which do have a lot of potential.

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