Wow Wow Dragonflight News
9/20/2024 4:43:58 PMWelcome to the ultimate Mythic Plus healer tier list for War Within Season 1! This list is designed to provide an in-depth look at how each healer stacks up for high keys (12 and higher) in Mythic Plus content. This ranking will focus solely on high-key performance, not low keys or other content lik...
4/8/2024 4:42:47 PMThis is a comprehensive WoW Season of Discovery 1-40 leveling guide, where we will explore the fastest ways to level up in this exciting expansion. Whether you are a seasoned player or a newcomer, this guide will provide you with the strategies and tips to efficiently progress through the early leve...
3/26/2024 5:49:33 PMThe best good boy in the world has finally become a mount for the patch 1026. Taivan, the friendly Barkar can finally be obtained as a rioting reward by complaining a long and lengthy quest line that has you finish out all the content that's available in Dragonlight. Everything is included in this o...
3/25/2024 6:06:08 PMIn the recent Dragonflight 10.2.6 patch for World of Warcraft, players will have the opportunity to obtain the highly sought-after Zovaal's Soul Eater mount. This mount is a reward for completing the Back from the Beyond achievement, which is a meta-achievement for quests and activities in the Shado...
3/21/2024 11:46:50 AMThe key is maximizing PvE focus through objective completion, mob farming, and chest looting while also taking aggressive opportunities through strong abilities when possible. Ranking up the right abilities and playing opportunistically is important as well. If you need the best wow gold, come to Ut...
3/13/2024 11:23:43 AMThe crossover event - Hearthstone 10th Anniversary WoW event is in full swing! Players have the opportunity to earn various rewards including new mounts, transmogs, pets, toys, and more by participating in quests and activities. Here's a guide on where and how to obtain these rewards during the Hear...
1/31/2024 5:47:55 PMPatch 10.2.5 has introduced a variety of new customization options from new player cosmetics but also new demonic customizations for the class of Warlock. With the pets such as Darkglare and the Tyrant receiving additional variations. They added even more demon customizations for the 10.2.5. Some of...
1/29/2024 4:44:05 PMHow you can farm honor points and WoW Gold without doing any PvP! All you need is a bunch of warriors (class trials) and you can get honor with the Badge of Honor from the class order all arena Skyhold Chest of Riches! Like that, you will have a chance at getting some insane rewards including the fa...
1/23/2024 2:53:17 PMDamage is one of the major factors to consider when players are picking their classes in World of Warcraft, among those DPS specs, which provides the most fun? Here we’ll dive into the top 3 funnest ranged DPS in WoW Dragonflight 10.2 and also bring the full tier list. WoW 10.2 Most Fun DPS Classes ...
1/19/2024 10:25:38 AMWhat does a realistic tier list look like for the Casual player, there's a big problem when it comes to tier lists. Teach you the fundamentals that actually matter in PVP. Ranged DPSS Tier: Beast Mastery HunterA Tier: Devastation Evoker, Demonology Warlock, Destruction WarlockB Tier: Balance Druid, ...
Dragonflight 10.2.5 New Gold Sink Cosmetics - 10 New Cosmetics for Gold from the Black Market Vendor1/9/2024 3:33:52 PMToday we're going to talk about the new vendor which has popped up on the live realm over the Christmas and New Year period which is selling a bunch of brand new unique cosmetics for gold. So in this guide, we're going to check out what is for sale and how much it all is. We’re going to take a look ...
12/22/2023 3:39:55 PMIn today's guide, we will explain how you can get some easy 454 and 467 gear and a chance at the rare mount Ashes of Al'Ar in WoW Dragonflight! QuestsYou can also compete two different quests, so the first one is the generic weekly Quest that will require you to either kill five right bosses inside ...
12/18/2023 3:13:20 PMHow you will be able to get your hands on the two new transm sets of the Sun and Moon warden in WoW Dragonflight. These are really nice appearances, and normally if you've been doing all the different activities needed in order to unlock these different sets, you will be able to get it on January 1s...
12/7/2023 4:02:31 PMIn this article, we're going to be going over the best gold farms in Season of Discovery from Level 1 to 10. It doesn't take long to get to level 10, but if you want to make some gold along the way, then this is going to be the best possible way to do it. In between level 1 and 10, gold making won't...
11/29/2023 5:20:34 PMThis guide shows the Timewalking dungeon drop and vault rewards just use the Heroic dungeon reward levels this week, this visual guide is meant to help players navigate the evergreen content of the endgame for Dragonflight Season 3 rewards.Dragonflight Season 3 RewardsDragonflight Keystone Explorer:...