There are the Top 10 overpowered items that'll take your DPS to the next level in WotLK Phase 4 till to the next WoW Classic Expansion!
WoW WotLK Classic Phase 4 Top 10 Best BiS Items To Farm
Phase 4 has been kicked off in WotLK Classic, now it's time to talk about the best of the best BIS, these are the items you still will be using when Mr Pandaria Classic rolls out. The items I'll be talking about today are so good, that your guild will disband if they go to the wrong player. So take a seat grab a blanket and get cozy, because it's time for the 10 best items in the Icecrown Citadel to sit at the Phase 4 patch!
Top 10 - Dislodged Foreign Object
Never mind what part of Rod Face's body, this trinket was dislodged from, what matters is the 170 haste rating and average 325 spell power. At first glance, this seems really similar to Flair except with haste instead of Grant. But flares process 10 seconds and DFO has a longer 20-second proc, this is an absolute must-have trinket for pretty much every Caster DPS in the game. Also, one great benefit of DFO is that it has a 45-second cooldown, and that makes it situationally better and shorter and medium fights and longer ICD trinkets.
Top 9 - Shadow's Edge
Shadow's Edge is the weapon you get after completing the initial steps in the Shadowmourne questline, to recap that includes obtaining 25 Primordial Saronite as well as getting the blood of both rot face and fester gut. Because each blood only drops once per raid, only one player can make a Shadow's Edge each week. You might just think this is an irrelevant throwaway item on the way to Shadowmourne but the itemization is fantastic, since it's guaranteed your raid can generate one every single week that means a lot of players that never get Shadowmourne should still go for Shadow's Edge.
Top 8 - 277 Item Level Cloaks
There will be 5 new 277 cloaks dropping in the heroic Icecrown Citadel. Unlike the 272 ToC cloaks, these will be a lot easier to get the great cloak from Sourfang is definitely exciting for the Resto Druid. And then on Holy Death Knights will want to get themselves a Winding Sheet which is their best. Meanwhile, Ret Paladins will line up for the Shadowvault Slayer's Cloak with a suspicious lack of armor penetration. The main event though is the Frostbinder's Shredded Cape which is BiS for nearly all casters.
Top 7 - Althor's Abacus
The clear best option for healding trinket is Althor's Abacus - the 201 spellpower almost feels like it's taunting us since it's only one more than Illustration of the Dragon Soul. But Warrior casting once per 45 seconds, you'll also randomly smart heal a nearby target which means a bonus heal of around 8,000 for an increase in overall healing of about one percent.
Top 6 - Tiny Abomination in a Jar
The first rule of Tiny Abomination in a Jar is that you don't talk about Tiny Abomination in a Jar, The 85-hit rating is definitely good but the real draw is the Anger Capactior Proc. Every hit has a chance to grant a Mote of Anger, and when you hit 7, you instantly attack for 50% weapon damage, that extra attack can proc things like seals and poisons and has an approximately 50% proc chance for melee hits. This is a huge damage increase for Ret Paladins but they'll have to fend off the Shamans and Rogues too.
Top 5 - T10 Gear
The new tier 10 gear will be a game-changer for almost every spec. Similar to ToC they're going to be 3 different sets of armor, you start off by buying the 251 gear from vendors for Emblems of Frost, and then you upgrade that armor with marks of sanctification to the 264 item level, the last step is to take the 264 gear and upgrade it with a Heroic Mark of Sanctification to 277. It's definitely safe to say these marks will be some of the most highly contested items in Icecrown, doubly so for specs like Shadow Priest and Ret Paladin with insane set bonuses.
Top 4 - Phylactery of the Nameless Lich
172 crit and a chance to proc 1207 damage buff for 20 sec every time your spells deal periodic damage. If this thing procs during Bloodlust, you're in for a really good time. The downside though is that you do need to be playing a class with reliable dot damage like a Shadow Priest or a Warlock.
Top 3 - Deathbringer's Will
With a few exceptions pretty much every melee DPS spec will want Deathbringer's Will - the base 167 armor penetration is great but you also get an extremely strong proc effect every 1.75 minutes. As that proc is random and class specific, for example, a Warrior could get 700 strength, 700 Grant, or 700 armor penetration for 30 seconds. We also have to remember that most guilds will be stuck on fights like Lich King for several weeks which makes Deathbringer's Will one of the most contested drops by far early on in phase 4.
Top 2 - 284iLvL Weapons
The Lich gang must have gone weapon shopping because he drops not one but 9 separate weapons, highlighting Glorenzelg's ridiculous closed captioning, not available next expansion. The 284 weapons from Lich King in WotLK Classic are considered to be very powerful and sought after by players. They offer a combination of high damage output, durability, variety, upgrade potential, raid viability, and aesthetics that make them a popular choice among players.
Top 1 - Shadowmourne
Shadowmourne is a legendary two-handed axe in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic. It is considered one of the best items in the game due to its unique abilities and rarity. Shadowmourne allows melee attacks to drain Soul Fragments on hit, making the wielder stronger each time. Once 10 Soul Fragments are gathered, the axe explodes with power from its ability Chaos Bane, damaging all enemies within 15 yards and granting additional strength to the wielder. The process of obtaining Shadowmourne is long and challenging, requiring players to complete a series of quests and defeat several bosses in the Icecrown Citadel raid. It is also worth noting that Shadowmourne is only available to Death Knight, Paladin, and Warrior classes.

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