There are some massive class changes for Season 3 Dragonflight. This is also the best time to level up if you want to get ready for Season 3, you can very easily get multiple pieces of free heroic raid gear. So today we are going to go over how to get as much gear as you can before season 3 rolls around.
Dragonflight Season 3 Class Changes
Before we talk about the free heroic raid gear, we are going to show you the class changes for Dragonflight Season 3:
Death Knights: This class has just a couple of quick changes for Frost and their new set bonuses coming in Season 3. The two set was buffed up to last for 12 seconds and you also get the damage buff from self-bounces. Then there were also some bug fixes for both the two set and the four set.
Demon Hunter: The Demon Hunter rework continues to take shape spectral site is down to 30 seconds baseline and haste will affect its Global cooldown. Demonic's duration was reduced slightly. Several talents were moved to the class tree. The Hunt's damage was buffed up by quite a bit both for the initial damage and the Damage over time. Sigil and Flame will now be a baseline ability and its initial damage should increase by 200%. There are also some new talents several talents will now just be one rank and then there are also some balance adjustments in there as well. For Havoc specifically a few recent changes have been reverted.
Druid: For balance, it looks like the orbital strike change has been reverted. Their mastery has been updated, some talents shifted around and wild mushrooms damage was increased by 10%. For feral, rampant ferocity damage is up 10%, Feral Druids can now cast innovate in cat form, it's about time. Relentless Predator was nerfed down to 10% and Apex predator's chance to activate against a single target was reduced down to 7.2%. And then restoration has a few quick changes to mana costs as well as a bug fix for Grove Guardians.
Evoker: Evoker have some amazing quality of life updates for their augmentation spec, prescience buffs will now clear on raid encounter and Mythic+ start which means you can no longer prepare your prescience targets. Devastation has some quick buffs to inherent resistance and attuned to the Druid talents, which should give them a bit more survivability going forward. And then for preservation, we're going to see a change to fluttering seedlings, they no longer prompt from echoed Emerald blossoms, but their healing has been increased by 20%.
Hunters: They're finally getting a party-wide or raid wide buff and it might not be quite what you think. Instead of getting a stat buff like priests or Druids, they're going to get a debuff like Demon Hunters or Monks. So Hunter's Mark will now increase all damage taken by 5% while the target is above 80% health. Hunters Mark will have a cooldown when used in combat and it will still be on the global cooldown.
Monks: Monks have quite a few changes for mistweaver again, there are some bug fixes and changes for the new four set bonus. Healing Elixir was buffed up to heal more health and trigger earlier and expel harm had its mana cost reduced and its healing was increased by 550%. It also deals more damage for the healing done and it's range was also increased. Strength is spirit and profound rebuttal were both nerfed though, but the huge buff to expel harm should offset most of those nerves. Unison was nerfed down to 75% of healing done enveloping breath healing was reduced by 20% and rising sun-kick damage was buffed up by 20%. Windwalkers also have a few changes to their two set and four set bonuses, as well as quite a few bug fixes.
Paladin: For Holy paladins, Sanctified plates is now 40% less effective, blessing of winter restores less Mana. Their two set was nerfed by 25% and therefore set now also increases haste by 25% for 5 seconds. For Retribution, Blade the Vengeance and how it interacts with blade of justice has changed.
Priest: Discipline continues to see changes, Rhapsody was nerfed down to 10% per stack from 20% per stack. Harsh discipline has been redesigned and then ultimate penitent was buffed up again, both for the damage portion and under the healing portion. Holy priests saw a quick fix for their four set bonus and then for shadow inescapable torment now triggers a 35% effectiveness from the additional Shadowood deaths caused by the new set bonuses, and the two-step bonus was enough to 35% effectiveness down from 50%.
Rogues: All three specs have a handful of changes for Assassination, exsanguine active has been removed and the passive was also changed. Sudden demises bleed damage was reduced down to 150% of remaining health down from 200%. An indiscriminate carnage now prioritizes targets without rupture or garage. For Outlaw, there's a new talent to increase the range of between the eyes and Pistol shot and you'll get a nice damn introduction buff and then Killing Spree had a change to how quickly the attacks will happen. For subtlety, there are a few new talents, a few changes for shadow technique and Shadowcraft and then a thermal bonds bonus healing was reduced down to 8%.
Shaman: Splinted elements was changed to provide more upfront haste and less haste per target hit. Further Beyond was changed to limit how far it can be extended. Primordial wave was changed to be an offensive spell only and the force that has also been redesigned. Enhancement also has quite a lot of changes, a lot of talents have shifted around, Elemental assault lets you generate Maelstrom weapon charges from more abilities. Primordial wave was changed to be only an offensive spell for enhancement too. They have the same change for splinted elements, a new talent called temper strikes and some bug fixes for their new tier set bonuses. Then Resto has just the same quick change for primordial wave, but this will only be a healing spell for Resto shamans going forward. So primordial wave will be restricted based on your spec.
Warlock: Affliction has a quick change to Umbrafire kindling, that's going to last 20 seconds up from 12. The rest of the changes are for Demonology, lots of new talents coming in, Soul strike has been redesigned, several talents will only be one rank, the pit Lord's fell Seeker damage which increased by 40% and the two set and four set bonuses have also been redesigned again.
Warrior: There's just one change for Fury, Reckless Abandon’s Bloodbath now shares its cooldown with bloodthirst. This was apparently an oversight which allowed certain bills to excel, so that's being rained back in.
How to Get Free Heroic Raid Gear in Dragonflight Season 3
Thanks to the Turbulent Timeways event, right now is one of the best times to gear up if you're wanting to get ready for the start of Season 3. There are two major gearing up opportunities that you don't want to miss because you can walk away with free heroic raid gear.
The big ticket items are going to come from the weekly time walking event. Pick up the quest in Valdrakken, run 5 time walking dungeons or kill 5 time walking raid bosses, hand the quest back in and you'll get a free piece of heroic raid gear. This reward is usually only normal raid gear, but it has been bumped up to heroic for the current event. The event itself also gives us back-to-back time walking for 5 weeks, which means we'll have five weeks where we can complete this weekly quest. So if you get this quest done every week, then it's available you'll have five pieces of heroic raid loot by the end of the event. Heroic raid loot start to item level 428, but it can go all the way up to item level 444 for some of the special items available in the raid. So you have five chances to not only get some massive gear upgrades, but also to get some potentially very powerful pieces of gear. This event is worth taking part in for almost everyone who doesn't already run high level Mythic+ keys, or do the raid on Mythic. So if you're wanting to get some quick and easy gear to bump up your item level before we head into patch 10.2 in Season 3, be sure to get your time walking quests done.
Something you might not be aware of is that you can actually pretty easily upgrade this gear as well. To upgrade most heroic level gear, you're going to need worm crests, there are two sources of worm crafts that everyone has access to. The first one is the Dreamsurge events. If you complete the weekly quest over here to obtain your Dreamsurge Chrysalis, you can trade that in for a wyrm crest at one of the dream surge vendors so you can get one wyrm crest per week from the dreamsurge events and you can also get 3 wyrm crests per week from the weekly vault. The easiest way to fill this up is to kill 7 bosses in the looking for raid version of aberrus. When the weekly reset rolls around, you can pick up 6 tokens of Merit from the weekly vault. And then trade those in for three worm crafts at the token vendor right next to the vault. So if you do both of these things, you can get 4 wyrm crests per week which will let you bump up the item level of all that free heroic gear you get from the time walking dungeons or even from the time walking raid.

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