Renown plays a crucial role in Dragonflight, as it determines your progression within Covenant factions. In Dragonflight 10.2, one of the prominent Covenants is the Dream Wardens, known for their connection to the wild and dreams. Gaining Renown with them unlocks unique cosmetic rewards, gear, and patterns. In this guide, we'll break down the most efficient methods for rapidly increasing your Dream Wardens Rep Renown in patch 10.2 Season 3.
What is the Fastest Way to Farm Reputation with Dream Wardens in Dragonflight 10.2
1. Complete the Story Campaign Chapters
- Progressing through the Dragonflight main story campaign that spans the four zones of the Dragon Isles will grant substantial Renown with the Dream Wardens. Make sure to choose Callings that align with the story chapters as you unlock them.
- Completing the full quest series through chapter 4 should get your Renown nearly to level 30 just on its own. Tackling the storyline should be your top priority for quick Renown gains.
2. World Quests in the Azure Span
World quests that spawn in the Azure Span zone award bonus Renown for the Dream Wardens on top of their usual gold, gear and resources. Check for easy quick to complete world quests like pet battles, gathering, and short kill quests to slowly build up Renown.
3. Unlock Daily and Weekly Quests
Once you reach Renown 21 with the Dream Wardens, daily and weekly repeatable quests will unlock in Valdrakken. The daily quests award 250 Renown each, while the weeklies grant 1000. Completing at least the three daily quests each day will give you a solid 750 Renown per day. The weeklies can be done on a separate day for another big Renown boost when you have time.
4. Farm Dreamscape Materials
- Gathering dreamscape anchoring runes, dreamleaf, and corrupted mementos in the overworld zones rewards Renown for every 5-10 materials. This passive gain adds up quickly while questing or hunting rares.
- You can farm additional materials quickly by entering the Spirit Glen sub-region of Thaldraszus. Do full loops gathering all materials which takes 5-10 minutes for repeatable Renown gains.
5. Complete Callings and Dragonriding Challenges
- Regular daily and weekly callings provide around 250-500 Renown each. Always check for Dream Warden aligned callings and prioritize completing those first.
- Dragonriding challenges that unlock at Renown 21 also give 250 Renown per day. Knock these out as part of your daily routine.
- Between callings and dragonriding, you can net 1000+ passive Renown every day just through regular gameplay.
6. Unlock Renown from Treasures and Rare Spawns
Opening treasures and defeating rare spawns across the Dragon Isles will reward Renown at milestones such as every 5 or 10 completed. Farming rares and treasures efficiently can generate another 500-1500 Renown per day. Zerith Mortis remains one of the easiest zones for rapid rare farming thanks to dense spawn areas and flying. Killing rares for augments also gives Dream Warden Renown.
7. Run Dungeons and Raid Finder
Running max-level dungeons via group finder will award approximately 100 Renown for the weekly quest completion, plus 50 per individual dungeon clear. Likewise, completing wings in raid finder difficulty grants around 150 Renown each. Dungeons and LFR are an easy passive way to accumulate Renown.
8. Buy Lost Relics
The Relic Repository vendor Talia in Avil sells an item called Lost Relic of the Dream Wardens for 500 gold that awards 250 reputation. This can be purchased repeatedly up to Revered reputation.
9. Kirin Tor Emissary Quests
When the Kirin Tor Emissary is located in Brackenhide Hollow, completing 4 world quests for it will award a Kirin Tor insignia that grants 1500 reputation with the Dream Wardens when used.
10. Use Renown Boosting Items
Certain items or consumables available in-game can help accelerate your renown gain. These items, such as reputation buffs or contracts, provide temporary increases to renown gains, enabling you to progress faster. Keep an eye on the Auction House or engage with relevant factions to acquire these items.

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