World of Warcraft Dragonflight patch 10.2 has been out for just about a week and we're heading into season 3. How to get your character up to 445 item level in Dragonflight 10.2? Read our Dragonflight Season 3 ilvl 445+ gearing guide and the best part is you can do this in less than a few hours.
Dragonflight Season 3 PvE & PvP Gearing - Best Way To Get Item Level 445+ In Dragonflight 10.2
In this guide, I'll outline the fastest and most efficient path to reach item level 445 in Dragonflight Season 3 within just a few hours of playtime. Whether your goal is to jump into ranked PvP or heroic raiding, getting your character's power up as quickly as possible is key. We'll cover all the weekly quests, caches, and activities that now reward upgraded gear. We'll also provide tips on maximizing sources like Dreamsurges, Time Rifts, and side missions. By following this step-by-step plan, you'll be ready to take on the most challenging group content that Dragonflight has to offer. Let's get started on your ascent to WoW Drfagonflight item level 445 in patch 10.2!
1. Emerald Dream Weekly
The first thing you need to be aware of there are three weekly quests that are in the Emerald Dream and the all-important spark that all of us should be getting every single week.
-The Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens quest is going to give you the Splintered of the Spark that you need.
-The second one's going to come from Lady Moonberry, you just need to get a Splintered of the Spark to get another Splintered of the Spark. Make it so that you can craft your first Spark.
-The third weekly is going to be related to doing the seedling quest. Blooming Dreamseeds and the Superbloom are where you can go around to get seeds. To get this Gigantic Dreamy Bounty, you're going to need to be able to contribute either the green, blue, or epic seed varieties depending on which one was assigned to it when somebody made the seedling. You need to contribute some Medium Emerald Bloom do drops to be able to get Dreamseed Nurturing.
If you're really lucky, you can get 4 Drake quests from some of the epic ones. But they're going to have scaling rewards based on which quality was assigned to the plant based on the first person who planted the seed. To be noted, you will find all three of the weekly quests in the Emerald Dream.
2. Dreamsurges
Dreamsurges came out last patch and they were a catch-up mechanic. They just got empowered because a lot of the different catch-up mechanics from the past are getting special treatment for getting their item level rewards increased and Dreamsurges is no exception. They've had their item level increased to 428. Here's where we get a cool shortcut, we can use only flight stones to upgrade them up to 437. However the absolute cap for both the Dreamsurge gear and the Time Rift gear that we're getting into next is going to have a max upgrade path of up to 450 ilvl in Dragonflight 10.2.
3. Time Rifts
Time Rifts came out in 10.1.5, these are another cache mechanic that has had their item levels increased which is awesome for these super cool trinkets that came out such as Encapsulated Destiny and Greater Encapsulated Destiny. Each of these trinkets is based on a legendary power of the past and again we're now pumping these up to 450, so they're going to be way better than they were before.
4. Valdrakken
You can head on over to do a bunch of outdoor quests and you'll be able to get 90 there just by participating in the Seedling Superblooms. Or if you want to run Dawn of the Infinite that is a great way to be able to get your flight stones and also some Whelpling crest. If you haven't done Dawn of the Infinite yet, you should go and do it because this does not count towards your crest cap, so you're able to over-cap on crest this week. But make sure you grab Dawn of the Infinite Quest before we head over there.
5. Side Quests
Speaking of things that don't count towards your weekly cap, you can also do those side missions. It's not only good for getting renowned but also you get a bunch of crests from it so you're able to get even more optional steps. If you can use your spark you can use your spark this week. If you want to save these crests into the first week because you can trade them up but it does come at a heavy tax, it's going to be quite expensive to do this. There's no problem in using your Whelpling quest this week to make sure you get the best start possible with your dungeons in the next week. However, make your decision to do what you want to do but this is the way you can get the most amount of crests possible and make sure you're taking advantage of our normal ways of getting crests running Dungeons and doing the content that you desire to do.
After it's all said and done, you're going to land somewhere between if you have a decent RNG up to ilvl 445 in Dragonflight season 3. There's a little bit of RNG so you may not get up to Dragonflight item level 445 but you're going to fall somewhere in that bracket of 430 to 445.

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