Get 445 ilvl easy this week!
WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Gearing Guide - Fast WoW Season 3 iLvl 445 Gearing Guide
Step 1. Do the 3 weekly quests in Emerald Dream for hopefully 3 different 441 - 450 items. The Ilvl of the rewards does seem to be random.
Step 2. Get 4 pieces of 415/428 gear from Dreamsurge and convert it into the Season 2 tier AFTER you upgrade it to 437ilvl only using Flightstones.
Step 3. Get 2 Trinkets from Time Rifts and upgrade to 437 using Flightstones..
Step 4. Cap your Whelping Crests at 90. Collecting the Dreamsurge orbs seems to be the fastest way to do this. However, clearing Dawn of the Infinite is also very good and rewards 555 Flightstones.
Step 5. clear Dawn of the Infinite! You get a quest that rewards 30 whelp crests if it's your 1st time killing the last boss on that character. This does not count toward your crest cap
Step 6. Complete all the side quests in Emerald Dream and obtain Renown 4 for more Whelping crests. Whelping crest from quests doesn't count for the weekly cap.
Step 7. After all that you should have 2 437 trinkets, 4pc tier at 437, and 3 441 - 450 items and about 180 Whelping Crests. Now just use the 180 Whelping crest to fill in your gear with 447 Crafted gear should get 6 pieces out of the 180 crests.
Step 8. Use your Spark to craft a BiS-crafted item if you feel comfortable doing so.
Based on your luck this should land you between 443 and 445 ilvl and only take about 2 or 3 hours to complete all of it. It's a super fast way to catch up on an alt or new main for 10.2 next week!

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