We think the previous "meme" specs will likely be far better than they ever were before, but might still not keep up with the top performers.
TOP 1 - Warriors
Warriors having a chance to accumulate raid gear might mean the scaling we typically saw only at 60 might kick in earlier and they have some sick damage runes.
TOP 2 - Mages
Fire and Arcane both stand a good chance of being great in PvE. Fire might suffer from the lack of scaling, same as warriors, but getting a new rank of Fireball at 24 compared to most other casters getting their latest ranks between 18 and 22 might help. And they get hit and threat reduction from talents that are easy to grab even at 25.
TOP 3 - Rogues
The runes don't seem like they'll change gameplay as much, but given their prior strength we could see them still being great.
The Rest: Hunters and Ret Paladins. We think they could be broken strong or middling, hard to tell so far. Warlocks without hit sounds miserable. Enhance and Ele seem like they'll be better, but we bet 40 will be a better bracket. The lack of crit on dots will hurt Balance druids since now they have 3 to keep up. And Shadow has terrible spell ranks, high mana costs, and no shadow form - so same deal where we think they'll shine at 40 instead.

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