In this article, we're going to be going over the best gold farms in Season of Discovery from Level 1 to 10. It doesn't take long to get to level 10, but if you want to make some gold along the way, then this is going to be the best possible way to do it. In between level 1 and 10, gold making won't make you rich. However, it will make you ahead of the curve and it will give you a great start to Season of Discovery. Now let's go through this WoW SoD farming guide.
#1. Professions for Gold When Leveling
First of all, a very important profession to take while you're leveling to make some extra raw gold is going to be skinning. To do this, you obviously need to learn skinning, you also need to get a skinning knife which is very cheap and you'll make back that gold extremely quickly while you're leveling. So what you actually do to make gold with skinning while you're leveling is that every single mob that is skinnable that you have to kill for a quest or that you're grinding on, you're going to simply skin it and then you're going to vend up all of the skinny materials straight to the vendor. This will have you have enough gold to buy all of your skills, upgrade your weapons and will really help you when you're leveling. You can make a decent amount of gold from just vendoring it. However, if you would like to use the auction house, if they have a better price on the auction house, you could post up the leathers and the hides up on the auction house for a bit of extra gold depending on the market of the leathers because a lot of people will be doing skinning, so it might be around the vendor price. At that point, you might as well just straight up vendor it for the extra raw gold as your leveling up. You should have a few gold from skinning by the time you reach like level 10, so it's a great thing to do while you're leveling.
#2. Low Level Liner Cloth Farms
The next SoD gold farm is going to be farming low-level farms for linen cloth. There is a bunch of different farming locations for linen cloth. With this, you can over turn this into linen bags or you can sell the linen cloth on the auction house or you can turn the linen cloth into bandages with first aid, and then vend up the bandages. So the first location for the alliance is right here.
There's another location for Alliance also this is in Elden forest and this is going to be at the huming starting zone. You also have one near Thunder Bluff, you can farm a bunch of linen cloth at this location if you're hoard and then and also below Orgrimmar if you are Alliance also. When you're doing these sort of farms, it's a great way to make some quick and easy gold while you're leveling up, plus if you get any Boe gear, that is definitely worth selling on the auction house. And also any like healing potions and any other loot that you get from these mobs you'll be able to sell on the auction house if it is worth so, if not, just straight up vendor it. The majority of the time, you can actually level just as quick by farming mobs and making a bit of gold along the way, then actually doing quests, so it's definitely worth doing these low-level linen cloth farms while you're leveling up. This will give you some more gold. And plus, on the launch day or the first few days, the quest mobs are going to be highly contested and there's going to be a lot of people farming them, so farming and leveling by grinding mobs will be a great way.
#3. Light Feathers & Linen Cloth
It is around level 10 though, so about the highest level for this 1 to 10 gold making guide in Season of Discovery. It's going to be farming for light feathers and linen cloth. Light feathers are used by Mages for slow for and priest for levitation. So the best spot to farm these at a low level is at the night elf starting zone if you are Alliance. And then if you're horde, you want to head over to the very top of Thunder Bluff. You also can get some Boe gear and some other cool things, so you want to make sure if there's any chests you grab those if you're at this farming location. And also any Boe that you get even if they're very low level like level 10 Boes, you still want to those up in the auction house because you'll definitely be able to get more than just vendoring them by selling them on the auction house. The Boe gear is going to sell extremely good on the auction house for way more than what it can vendor for. However, if it isn't worth selling on the auction house, what you could do is you can make an ALT that has enchanting and you could simply disenchant the boe gear and then you could sell the disenchanted materials up on the auction house. You also get raw gold normally when you're farming them sort of farms.
#4 - Farming Mats for Cooking
Another way to make gold in SoD is going to be farming cooking materials. so for an example by farming B meat so what and why this actually sells for more than what it vendors for is because there's a lot of people that are just going to fly through leveling and then once they level up, they're going to need and want to level up cooking for an example. So this is where we come in and if we can farm up a bunch of chunk of B meat and things like that, all the different sort of B Meats and all the other materials used for leveling cooking and sell those on the auction house, you'll be able to make a decent amount of gold and you can start doing this around like level 5. So it's another great way to level up like grinding these mobs leveling up and also making gold on the side. Now another really important thing if you have skinning when you're doing this sort of farm, you can double dip in both methods, you can farm the cooking materials and then also you can skin the mobs after and then you can have the leathers and the hides to straight up vendor or sell on the auction house whichever gives a better price.
5. Crafting Bags / Other BOEs
Another good way of making a lot of gold is by doing tailoring and that is going to be turning linen cloth into linen bags, especially in the first few days all the bag markets are going to be extremely good, these are going to sell super quick, everyone needs bags. And because we're all starting fresh in Season of Discovery, no one's going to have them, so a lot of people are going to be looking to buy bags and this will make a lot of gold in early days of seasonal Discovery.

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