How you will be able to get your hands on the two new transm sets of the Sun and Moon warden in WoW Dragonflight.
These are really nice appearances, and normally if you've been doing all the different activities needed in order to unlock these different sets, you will be able to get it on January 1st so in less than two weeks, in order to get these two appearences, you will need to complete this achievement right here training post Enthusiast, you need to earn the monthly special reward from The Trading Post 12 times, so it means that if you've been doing it every month since the release of the training post, normally in January, you will be able to complete this achievement, so in order for you to track how many month you're missing, you can go here in the character section in your achievements Tab, Trading Post Enthusiast, earn the monthly special reward from the Trading Post 12 times, all you have to do really is on January 1st, you will need to complete the monthly activities, for this month and to have 1,000 sometimes it's a little bit more than that and like that when you unlock the monthly world, at the same time, you will get this achievement and the three new appearances, so there has been a lot of drama recently around this particular reward simply because blizzard announced that similar to the first Mount you were ever able to get from the training post, a shadar and this is a mount that shifts between two different colorations based on the day night cycle, it would be similar for this transmog set and so as you can imagine a lot of people were not very pleased with this news simply because it's very difficult to build a good trans smoke set using pcs that will shift coloration between the day and the night and so as a result a little bit of the backlash lizard announced that static versions of this set will be available in patch 10.2.4, so it means that in total you will receive three different sets, the first one probably in January that will shift between the day, and night cycle and then in patch 10.2.4, you will also receive the two over static sets and like that you will be able to choose which one you want to use, so really make sure to complete the different activities for this month: Breaking the Sound Barrier, Safe Deposit, Shave and a Haircut, Draconically Epic, Trading Post Enthusiast.

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