In today's guide, we will explain how you can get some easy 454 and 467 gear and a chance at the rare mount Ashes of Al'Ar in WoW Dragonflight!
You can also compete two different quests, so the first one is the generic weekly Quest that will require you to either kill five right bosses inside of the black Temple or complete five time working Dungeons, and then next to that you will also have another Quest that will require you to Simply do the black Temple and kill Ilana in time working difficulty, so this is a quest that you can get from Shattrath City, just here where there is the time working vendor and for the other one, you can get it either from your adventure Guide inside of the suggested content or from Battleground.
How to Find A Group
All you have to do is to go and find a group for the time working version of black Temple, so you want to go in Legacy raid and here you will find a lot of these different black temples, groups that are being formed.
It's straightforward and normally you will be able to kill every boss super easily even without having to apply the proper mechanics, and keep in mind, each time you will have a chance at getting some 454 ilvl gear that you can then upgrade, so really is the easiest way to get these type of armor pieces. Ashes of Al’ar drop: Kael’ thas Sunstrider, location: The eye. Tempest Keep. Al’ar was the beloved pet of Kael’thas Sunstrider, who often boasted that death would never claim it, perhaps he was right.
Make sure to do this Quest on all your different alss and also on all your different characters, especially if you need to either gear them up or also if you still don't have the ashes of all mounts, that you will have a good chance at getting the mount and also getting some nice gear.

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