This WoW Season of Discovery Phase 2 Preparation Guide will help you navigate the pre-launch period effectively, ensuring you hit the ground running when Phase 2 goes live.
WoW Season of Discovery Phase 2 Preparation - Top 8 Things To Prepare For SoD Phase 2
With Phase 2 of World of Warcraft Classic's Season of Discovery expansion right around the corner, expected to launch in mid-late January or early February, now is the perfect time for players to start preparing their characters and accounts. Phase 2 will introduce new levels, zones, dungeons, and the epic Sapphiron raid, so ensuring your characters and resources are ready well in advance will give you a head start.
In this comprehensive WoW SoD Phase 2 preparation guide, we'll break down the top things you can do right now to position yourself for success when new Phase 2 content launches. We'll discuss character leveling and gearing, gold farming, consumable stockpiling, flight path and quest planning, and more.
1. Level and Gear All Characters
The first step is to assess all your characters. As streamer and top WoW player Jerome outlines in his secret Phase 2 prep plan, you'll want to level all relevant characters to at least level 25 before the Phase 2 drop. This includes your main character and important alts.
Working every character to 25 gets them in a good spot to continue leveling quickly once new phases launch. You'll also want to acquire all available class runes for each character by this point. While some runes may not seem helpful now, they could provide powerful bonuses down the line as your character progresses. Getting runes out of the way beforehand saves the effort of acquiring them later.
Maximizing your gear for each character bracket (25, 30, etc) is also important. Focus on spell power for casters to boost leveling efficiency. Snatch up any cheap greens with +spell damage you find on the auction house. Store extra gear sets to quickly equip higher-level brackets too. Proper preparation now eases the Phase 2 leveling process tremendously.
2. Farm Gold for Expenses
Part two of any Phase 2 plan is farming as much gold as possible between now and launch. Most players will need at least 80g for their level 40 riding skill. But Jerome and others predict addition gold sinks coming like dual specializations. Dual spec, which allows easy respecing between talent builds, could realistically cost 50-100g each to implement as a gold sink.
Stockpiling consumables will also require gold. Save money now to buy Mana potions for dungeon grinding, raid buff food and elixirs, and more. Gold can similarly purchase upgraded bags, helping manage quest items while leveling. The journeyman backpacks selling for 40g each on the auction house provide a big early bag space boost.
3. Get Flight Paths & Map Unlocked
Besides characters, a priority should be unlocking every relevant flight path for the expansion. Flight masters will allow quicker travel between leveling zones. Make sure to obtain paths in key leveling areas like Stranglethorn Vale, Hillsbrad Foothills, and Tanaris early.
Similarly, fully explore the available map in each zone. Having the terrain mapped out aids navigation and questing efficiency tremendously. Take time now to leisurely discover each region on foot or mount before they fill with other levelers post-Phase 2.
4. Plan Leveling Routes with Pre-Questing
With a flexible leveling route mapped out beforehand, you can jump right into optimized grinding at launch. Scarlet Monastery running provides one fast method if available. But questing offers stability if SM access changes.
Links to detailed pre-questing guides are provided. By completing quests now, rewards like experience, gold, and items can be earned in a single turn-in later. Aim to pre-finish as many quests as your 20 quest log limit allows, chaining those that unlock new multi-part questlines for maximum efficiency. Pre-questing alone can bring characters within a level of 28 at the Phase 2 launch.
5. Stock Consumables for Raiding & Leveling
Phase 2 will introduce new raiding with the Sapphiron encounter. Be ready on day one by hoarding all relevant consumables through farming and auction house sniping. While leveling, save Mana potions, food, bandages, and more in the bank. Pre-purchasing stacks now versus later when demand spikes keep costs down.
As an added tip, useful lower-level potions often sell cheap. Goblin rocket fuel, lesser mana potions, and the like can power leveling alts if priced right. Keep an eye out for deals on consumables that will retain value into the next phases. Everything saved now results in one less thing to fret about after launch.
6. Organize and Gear Characters
Beyond leveling and gearing each character to set brackets, take time to properly organize bank tabs and character inventories. Sort potions, crafting materials, quest items, and more logically. Clearly label storage for easy future access. You may also wish to store extra phase 2 pre-bis gearsets on each character for a quick power boost later. Optimization now saves time better spent leveling down the road.
7. Get Helpful Friends and Resources
Finally, connecting with helpful friends and communities aids the prep process. Groups running lower level dungeons alleviate the leveling grind. Class Discords offer spec advice. Guilds provide a knowledge base for any phase 2 questions as launch approaches.
Liberally utilize online resources like WoWHead and unofficial fansites. Phase 2 class changes, questlines, zone guides, attunement reqs and more will be documented. Being able to quickly reference reputable websites while leveling has real benefits over freestyling alone.
8. Bottom Line: Start Preparing Now
With only a month or two until WoW's Season of Discovery Phase 2 launches, players who want an advantage upon release should start tackling this comprehensive preparation list immediately. Character leveling, gold farming, consumable stockpiling, quest and flight path unlocking, and organizational tasks all help set the stage for smooth sailing in the fresh phase.
Methodically working through each aspect of this Phase 2 guide ensures maximum readiness for higher levels, epic new raiding, and exciting new content ahead. Staying prepared removes much of the scramble and improves the potential to be among the first exploring what Phase 2 brings. Get started on your prep today!

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