Today we're going to talk about the new vendor which has popped up on the live realm over the Christmas and New Year period which is selling a bunch of brand new unique cosmetics for gold. So in this guide, we're going to check out what is for sale and how much it all is. We’re going to take a look at 10 new cosmetics 2024 for gold from the Black Market vendor.
Dragonflight 10.2.5 New Gold Sink Cosmetics Vendor - 10 New Costmetics for Gold from the Black Market Vendor
So, we have a new vendor in World of Warcraft a new gold sink vendor which we haven't had for quite a while, so we have some new items available on this vendor. This vendor is called Ms, Xiulan in Valdrakken. It's just to the right hand side of the Little Scales Daycare, down on the ground where the black market auction house. It does appear to only be on the NA Realm, the NPC is there but it's currently not selling anything. These items will only be available until the end of August 2024. After that, they will be added to the black market auction house. So in total, all of these items will set you back 2.1 million gold with some of them being 75,000 and some of them being 1.2 million.
1. Gold Resonating Crystal
What is for 1.2 million? It is the Gold Resonating Crystal, this is a new Scarab Mount, these models were on the PTR and a very cool flying Mount. There are a few different color variants of this which have popped up like on the trading post and things like that and this is going to be the one available on the black market auction house. That is 1.2 million gold, you can't make that any cheaper through reputation or anything like that uh it's always just going to be 1.2 million.
2. Arsenal Whispering Temple Blades
the next one is two one-handed swords, these are the HD recolors of the Que Sera from vanilla WoW. This is 200,000 gold, this is the Arsenal Whispering Temple Blades, this will be two weapons which look very similar one with a glow and one without a glow.
3. Gilded Scarab Bulwark
The next item is a shield, this is a awesome new model for a Scarab themed shield, a lot of these items are kind of Scarab themed or troll themed and things like that. They just don't really fit in with the current lore. Awesome new shield, massive HD, really cool looking model for sure.
4. Gold Plated Witchhunter’s Carbine
This is an awesome looking gun, this is 100,000 gold for this gun, but a very awesome unique model. You will love the little skull details of the bottom, it just looks like something that you have in like druss far to go hunting witches, it's just a very cool looking gun.
5. Matauder King’s Body Carver
The next item is a two-handed pole arm, it is absolutely massive, 100,000 gold for this. As a warrior, you could dual wield these which would look absolutely phenomenal. These are new models or at least like recolors of things from the Trading Post, but not like recolors from dungeons and raids.
6. Gilded Crown Splitter
This is a two-handed axe, not as big as the pole arm, but this is the crown splitter, using the same sort of coloration and model of the previous weapons. It costs 90,000 gold.
7. Royal Witch Doctor's Guard
The next item is a offhand shield called the Royal Witch Doctor's Guard, this is a troll themed shield. It looks very similar to some of the other shields that we've have quite recently. It costs 80,000 gold.
8. Royal Witch Doctor’s Trophies
The next item is a back piece which uses similar model to the shield. In fact, it is the same model, this is a back piece which sits really high up for some unknown reason, but this is the Royal Witch Doctor Trophies. This is a back piece which will set you back 880,000 gold, but you could have this combo.
9. Wrath Crusader’s Helm
The next item is the Wrath Crusaders Helm, this is a plate helm which we have seen on the trading post. This is a really cool looking model which has taken a lot of inspiration from tier 2 Warrior, but this is 75,000 gold and a plate helm. So if you're a plate user, this will obviously be available to you.
10. Regal Griffin Riders Headgear
The final item is the Regal Griffin Riders headgear, this is a helm piece for all armor types, this is something we've seen on the Trading Post before. Obviously very war within themed, something that we're definitely going to see a lot more of in the next expansion for World of Warcraft.

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