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What does a realistic tier list look like for the Casual player, there's a big problem when it comes to tier lists. Teach you the fundamentals that actually matter in PVP.
Ranged DPS
S Tier: Beast Mastery Hunter
A Tier: Devastation Evoker, Demonology Warlock, Destruction Warlock
B Tier: Balance Druid, Affliction Warlock, Elemental Shaman, Marksmanship Hunter
C Tier: Frost Mage, Arcane Mage
D Tier: Fire Mage, Shadow Priest
Melee DPS
S Tier: Havoc Demon Hunter
A Tier: Unholy Death Knight, Arms Warrior, Windwalker Monk,
B Tier: Retribution Paladin, Survival Hunter, Subtlety Rogue, Assassination Rogue, Frost Death Knight, Fury Warrior
C Tier: Enhancement Shaman, Outlaw Rogue
D Tier: Feral Druid
A Tier: Discipline Priest, Holy Paladin, Restoration Druid
B Tier: Restoration Shaman, Mistweaver Monk, Holy Priest
C Tier: Preservation Evoker
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