How you can farm honor points and WoW Gold without doing any PvP! All you need is a bunch of warriors (class trials) and you can get honor with the Badge of Honor from the class order all arena Skyhold Chest of Riches! Like that, you will have a chance at getting some insane rewards including the famous prestigious midnight courser mount and the prestigious bloodforged courser mount!
Step 1
The first thing you want to do is create a character on a new realm, we would recommend you to choose a low poop realm because this is where there's going to have the less competition for this chest and here you really just want to create a warrior, a class Trio, so then as soon as you enter the game, you want to turn on war mode on because you will only be able to pick up the chest, if you have War mode on and then you want to make your way directly to the portal order all where you will need to go to Azsuna, so this is the first step, when you arrive in azuna you want to go directly to Dataran the legion version, so it will probably just take you one or two minutes to fly there, and then when you arrive in Daran just by stepping in, you will automatically receive a Quest from HRI, it will follow you around, and it will offer you a quest so just take this Quest it will require you to go see Saurfang or someone else for adience players where there is the flight master and here you just want to talk to sang or again the over guy for alian players and then complete the quest accept a new one and you want to jump on the mount that is available then when you arrive, you will be on the broken Shore and here you just want to do a few things, so first, you will have to kill a first few waves of mobs then they will have a little bit of dialogues that you cannot skip unfortunately between the different characters and then you will have to kill a first boss and after that, you will have a second boss that you will have to kill, so this boss will basically kill you and you will then be resurrected and after that you will be transported into skyle, so this is how you arrive in skyle, however, you cannot already access the chest simply because you first need to unlock one thing.
Step 2
When you arrive in skyhold, you want to talk to Danika complete the quest and then take this over Quest so here you just want to go straight and go talk to odyn, you will be able to then complete the quest and you will be able to accept the quest weapons of Legend and here you want to choose the weapon that you want but we would recommend you to choose this one, then you will have to accept the sword of King's Quest so here you just want to make your way back to where there is the center of Sky hold and here you want to talk to arelia, and click on the second dialog option, then you will arrive in the tall Glades and here you just want to go and kill these different cultist, it will free this guy and then you will just have to wait for the guy to have a few dialogue with you then after that we would recommend you to use one of your aquatic Mount maybe posid or something else just to win a little bit of time, you will have to go straight into this underwater cave and when you arrive, you just want to go directly kill the few mobs that are here, and then you want to either interrupt or stun these different void tendrils, because otherwise you won't be able to kill them, once you've killed all four of them, there is a mini boss that will spawn just kill him and then go straight and here you will have a few more mobs to kill, and finally you will arrive in the last room where you basically want to click on the boss, then you will be able to kill the boss the other guy will come back and after that you will be able to click on the sword and after that you just want to click on finishing the boss and you can use the portal to go back to skyhold.
Step 3
When you're in Sky hold you want to go directly see Odyn to complete the quest, then here you will have to talk to Dana to take the overest the Eye of Odyn and you want to make your way back to the entrance of skyhold, you want to go and talk to this guy to complete the quest, then he will offer you another Quest that requires you to Simply click on this main Eye of Odyn, and then you just want to select an area where you want to start the quest doesn't really matter, then you can complete this Quest, and then you will simply have to go talk to Aria to go back to dataran, and as soon as you arrive in dataran Danika will appear and offer you a new Quest so just accept and then you want to go back to skyhold, when you're here you want to go and talk to Odyn and you want to complete the quest, and then Odyn will offer you two quests so only accept the champions of skyhold the other one you don't care, and then you want to go back talk to the guy next to the eye of Odin and just before that you want to complete the quest and take these two guys as followers, so then the guy will allow you to complete the quest and will offer you another Quest that will require you to complete one of the missions with the eye of Odyn, so this is something that will only take two minutes, at the end of these two minutes, you will be able to complete it and then you will be able to finalize the quest, and when this is done you will receive a new Quest that will require you to just get some troops, so here make sure to recruit only one troop not all because you will need the resources, then you just want to click on the banner get your troops, and then you want to go back to the main guy, complete the quest and here it will give you another one, this time it will require you to do another mission that will take one hour to complete, so here we would recommend you to then just log out because again you don't want to use too much time on your trial character, just wait one hour and then you want a log backing, you will then be able to complete the mission, then you can complete the quest.
Step 4
After that finally this guy will offer you another request to go talk to the Run master and this is the final part of this whole process, so just make your way to the Rune master and here you want to talk to him and you want to choose the first power, after two hours you just want to log back in, and here normally, you will have this new power unlocked and then you want to talk to anr again and this time you want to unlock this power right here for honor and Glory because this is with this power that you will be able to be granted the ability to see the skyle chest of riches within the perous circle of Glory, so if you don't unlock that unfortunately, you won't be able to interact with this chest at all, so just click on it and then you will have to wait for it so again just log out.
Step 5
When this is done you can log back in and now you can just sit your character in front of the arena and wait for the chest to spawn, so keep in mind the chest will spawn every 3 hours starting at midnight, so what you can do is for instance at 9:00 a.m. or like maybe noon or something like that just logging, see if the chest is up or not if it's not log out directly and try again and again this is once per week so you have time to do that, but again try as much as possible to not leave your character IFK or in the game because the more time you use the less time you will have to get some of these chest because then the classial character will be locked, then go to the Orgrimmar.

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