Patch 10.2.5 has introduced a variety of new customization options from new player cosmetics but also new demonic customizations for the class of Warlock. With the pets such as Darkglare and the Tyrant receiving additional variations. They added even more demon customizations for the 10.2.5. Some of these newer models will require for you to kill certain Elite rares inside of dungeons raids in the open world content. One of them even has you solve a line puzzle inside of a boss room, while others can be unlocked through scavenger horns and explorations. Here’s a guide on how to unlock every Warlock pet customization in 10.2.5 Dragonflight.
How to Unlock Every Warlock Pet Customization in Dragonflight 10.2.5
1. Darkglare
- Grimoire of the Eredathian Darkglare: This appearance has a chance to drop from Zuraal the Ascended, the first boss in the Seat of the Triumvirate dungeon instance located in the Eredath zone of Argus.
- Grimoire of the Riftsmolder Darkglare: This appearance has the chance to drop from Viz'aduum the Watcher, the final boss in the Return to Karazhan raid instance.
- Grimoire of the Xorothian Darkglare: This appearance has a chance to drop from Portal Keeper Hasabel, the fourth boss in the Antorus, The Burning Throne raid instance located in the Antoran Wastes zone of Argus.
- Grimoire of the Abyssal Darkglare: This appearance has a chance to drop from Mistress Sassz'ine, the 3rd boss in the Tomb of Sargeras raid instance located in the Broken Shore zone.
2. Tyrant (Demonology)
- Grimoire of the Felbrute Tyrant: This appearance has a chance to drop from Archimonde, the final raid boss in the Hellfire Citadel raid instance.
- Grimoire of the Netherwalk Tyrant: This appearance is sold by Gigi Gigavoid for 5,000g. To reach Gigi, you will need to have unlocked the Warlock Class Order Hall from the Legion expansion. Gigi is faction neutral and is located in the lower level of the Dreadscar Rift.
- Grimoire of the Vile Tyrant: This appearance has a chance to drop from Radix in Andorran Wastes.
- Grimoire of the Bloodrage Tyrant: This appearance has a chance to drop from Ixallon the Soulbreaker, a miniboss located in the corridor before Kil'Jaden, the final boss in the Tomb of Sargeras raid instance.
3. Wrathguard
Next let's cover some of the other previously found Demon skins to help you finish out your collection, starting with the Wrathguards. All three variations of the Wrathguard appearance can be obtained easily with a Grimore of the Wrathguard which can either be bought on the auction house or crafted with a legion inscription profession.
4. Abyssal Inferal (Destruction)
Next, we have the Abyssal infernal variations for the spec of Destruction. Just like wrath guards, the Abyssal customizations could also be purchased from your local auction house Grimore or crafted with a legion inscription.
5. Felhunter
Next, we have Felhunter model variations. One of those variations can drop from Felhounds of Sargeras encounter in the legion raid of Antorus. Though it's a relatively small chance to drop, so have fun farming it.
Another variation also needs to be formed from time rifts which are located in the center of Thaldraszus. Time rifts are generally active at the start of every new hour and you'll need to defeat the final boss of a time rift in order to get a small chance at obtaining one of the older Felhunter models.
6. Dreadhound (New Felhunter)
Next, we have some of the newer Felhunter models starting with the new variation which can be obtained from the legion version of Karazhan. After defeating the mana devour, head upstairs into the library where you should be able to find a torn page with a Voidmaw Fehunter skin on one of the bookshelves.
Another variation of the new Felhunter will require a very specific item. First, you'll need to obtain the Zhar’doom Greatstaff from the Black Temple. Transmog your current weapon into the staff or have the staff equipped. Then head into a Taurus and defeat Portal Keeper Hasabel. Then enter a fiery portal and interact with a deactivated portal on the second floor. Afterwards you'll get your Felhunter skin.
7. Shivarra
Next we got the Shivarra demon variant. To obtain any of the Shivarra appearances, you'll need to get your hands on a Grimoire of the Shivarra which just like Wrathguards or Abyssal can either be purchased in the auction house or crafted through inscription.
8. Succubus
Currently, there are only two variations of the succubus that you can obtain. The first one can be bought with the auction house with the Grimore of the Shadow Succubus. The second variation has a chance to draw from the Hellblaze Temptress Demons which come from the Cathedral of the Eternal Knight dungeon from the expansion of Legion. It's a decently small chance to get the appearance. However, the enemies you'll be fighting to get the appearance are basic dungeon mobs and not bosses. This means you should be able to go into the dungeon, clear it out of those demons then run out reset and go again for another attempt.
9. Void Lord
Next we have the Woid Lord appearance of the Void Walkers. You'll be able to either purchase them from the auction house or craft them with Legion inscription to obtain their unique Grimoire.
10. Fiend
Next we have the fiend variation of the Imp, and to unlock the fiend you'll need to first complete the Warlock questline which was added back in the patch 10.1.5. If you don't see the quest on your main Warlock, you may need to make a new character, level them at least level 30, go to your capital city and then pick up the questline beginning in positions and then complete the entire quest all the way to the end.
11. Fel Imp
The very first imp option is the basic Fel imp which can be purchased from the auction house or crafted with inscription. The second variation of Fel imp comes from defeating Terestian Illhoof who is located towards the later half of the original karazhan raid. Though this one only has a small chance to drop the appearance which may leave you form a karazhan over the next few weeks. The third variation of the Fel imp, the trickster Fel imp has a very small chance to drop from bosses that you would slay in the time rifts in Thaldraszus. Unlike the other time rift rewards, this one also has a very low drop rate.
12. Imp
Next, we have some very basic imp customizations.
- The first one can be obtained in Winterspring by talking to VL and agreeing to give him a portion of your life. When you make the deal with the little devil, he will then teach you how to summon a dread fire imp.
- The second variation can be obtained from the Dire Maul dungeon located in Ferales. Inside, you'll find a little green imp that you have to interact with a couple of times until you finally get to slay him as a boss further inside of the dungeon. This one also has a fairly low drop chance, so this one may take you a couple of attempts before you can obtain it.
- The third imp variation can be obtained during Legion time walking event from the time walking vendor for 1,000 Timewarp badges which should be available for purchase in just a handful of weeks.
- The fourth option can either be obtained during the unique warlock questline by defeating Twinkie located in the Deathmatch arena in the Darkmoon Fair Otherwise, you'll need to wait until the dark wi fair is open and looted from inside of that same Arena.
- The fifth variation will come from full noon, one of the world bosses from the legion greater invasions which are located in various zones of Argus. The world bosses rotate every single week with six various bosses that can be defeated from the Argus Invasion points when farming this appearance, just be sure to check the map weekly whenever the invasion points update.
- The sixth and final variation can be purchased from Warlock Order Hall where you have to give Imp Mother Dyala 15,000 gold just to unlock the dark fire imp customization.

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