The crossover event - Hearthstone 10th Anniversary WoW event is in full swing! Players have the opportunity to earn various rewards including new mounts, transmogs, pets, toys, and more by participating in quests and activities. Here's a guide on where and how to obtain these rewards during the Heartstone’s 10th anniversary event in World of Warcraft!
WoW Dragonflight Hearthstone's 10th Anniversary Event Guide
Hearthstone is celebrating its 10th anniversary from March 11th to March 18th, 2024. During this special event, World of Warcraft players will be able to earn new rewards by participating in quests and activities both within Hearthstone and WoW itself. These rewards include a 36-slot bag, 2 mounts, a pet, toys, and transmogs. Here's everything you need to know about the Hearthstone Anniversary WoW Event.
How to Get New Amounts in Hearthstone’s 10th Anniversary Event?
How to obtain the time limited 2 new amounts from the 10th-anniversary event of Hearthstone? The anniversary starts from 11th of March and continues for one week until the 18th of March. Once the event is done, there is most likely no way to get these two mounts ever again. But they might or might not be available on the trading post at some point in the future or maybe future Hearthstone events. So you want to get them as soon as possible.
- The first mount is the Fiery Hearthsteed. This one is the easy one, as all you have to do is simply log into Heartstone. So you just have to download the game and press play. Once you've logged in, you'll get a small reward pop up in the game, stating you've unlocked the mount, simply relog on to wow and enter your mount collection and you'll find the mounts, nicely wrapped as a gift for you.
- The other mount the Compass Rose is obtained as a drop from the in-game event going on, the event happens once an hour on the hour, so 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, and so on. It happens in Valdrakken, Stormwind and Orgrimmar, and it'll be marked on your map when the portal is about to spawn. The event is pretty much minions from Hearthstone appearing as mini bosses and all you have to do is participate in killing these minions, they have a small chance to drop the compass rose.
More Rewards for Hearthstone’s 10th Anniversary Event
- Transmog: Reno's Lucky Hat, Taverner's Belt, The Tavern's Tabard.
- Pet: Sarge is a battle pet that you can unlock during the event. You can also loot the Stone of the Hearth Icon Stone of the Hearth toy, which is a Hearthstone-themed Hearthstone. And Collector's Carryall Icon Collector's Carryall (a 36-slot bag).
WoW Hearthstone Anniversary Event Achievements
Dragonflight players will also receive 3 achievements, as long as they're able to unlock them:
- Hearthstoned: Fiery Edition - The achievement rewards the Fiery Hearthsteed Icon Fiery Hearthsteed mount.
- Hearthstone Beginner - It requires players to collect 10 Hearthstone cards and rewards the Hearthstone Game Table Icon Hearthstone Game Table toy.
- Hearthstone Card Collection - Collect all 21 cards.
Alley Cat
Ancient of Lore
Arcane Explosion
Arcane Golem
Arcane Shot
Baron Geddon
Blessing of Kings
Cairne Bloodhoof
Charged Devilsaur
Chillwind Yeti
Grove Tender
Hand of Protection
Jive, Insect
Scarlet Crusader
Shadow Word: Ruin

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