In the recent Dragonflight 10.2.6 patch for World of Warcraft, players will have the opportunity to obtain the highly sought-after Zovaal's Soul Eater mount. This mount is a reward for completing the Back from the Beyond achievement, which is a meta-achievement for quests and activities in the Shadowlands. In this guide, we discuss the best ways get Zovaal’s Soul in Dragonflight 10.2.6.
Where to Find Zovaal’s Soul Eater Mount in Dragonflight 10.2.6 - Fastest Ways to Get Zovaal’s Soul
We saw a variety of new collectible rewards added with this newest update 10.2.6 and that's not including the new mounts, weapons, pets and even outfits added with the plunder storm event. With the 10.2.6, we got a new Dragonflight completionist achievement which awards the goodest boy Taivan, but also the previous expansion of Shadowland's completionist achievement has also got a bit of an update. Initially, finishing out Shadowlands granted you a title which was unique but not nearly as exciting as a brand new mount. With the patch 10.2.6, they have rectified that achievement by adding one of the most requested mounts into the game. The Shade Beast mount which was normally a gladiator PVP only reward has finally been added with this non-armored version for anyone that completes all of Shadowland's major completionist achievements. So this is a guide for the Shadowlands completionist in order to earn yourself the most requested mount from the Shadowlands expansion.
Complete All 3 Shadowlands Raids
First of all, you'll need to defeat every single boss from the Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination. You'll find Ta’elfar which is a broker that allows you to experience all of the raids through the Ta’elfar difficulty. By doing it on Ta’elfar, a huge portion of these bosses can actually be soloed, however, not all of them. Certain bosses such as the Jailer do have specific mechanics that will make solo in these encounters a little bit more difficult.
Best part about doing the Shadowlands raids is the fact that our max level 70 characters outscale this content. You will need a little bit of gear in order to be able to comfortably get through majority of these encounters, but a minimum of item level 437 or so should allow you to solo or at least bypass a huge portion of these in a small group.
Mythis of the Shadowlands Dungeons
Besides raid achievements, we also have dungeon achievements with the Myths of the Shadowlands Dungeons which requires you to defeat all of Shadowlands dungeon bosses on Mythic difficulty. However, this list does include the later added Mega dungeon which is going to be part of this achievement process. However, if you didn't play back in Shadowlands, you actually had to unlock the Tazavesh dungeon at least once on one of your characters before your entire account, get access to that instance to start the quest chain to unlock the Tazavesh instance, visit the Inn in the main Central Oribos area.
Fake It 'Til You Make It (Hardmode Tazavesh)
The very last noteworthy dungeon achievement worth covering is fake it till you make it, which is an achievement that you earn for defeating Tazavesh dungeon on hardmode. To unlock hardmode Tazavesh, you first need a clean instance of Tazavesh, doing it on heroic. Once you're in heroic version of Tazavesh, defeat the first boss of the chicken access as the rest of the entire market. Once you defeat the first boss, hang over to the right into one of the darker alleyways where there will be a questionable trader who sells you fraudulent credentials. Buy the credentials from the trader and then head over to the Oasis club and then you need to complete a trading mingame to unlock the entrance to the Oasis. Once you enter inside, hang left and talk to a manal to exchange those credentials for a passively forged credentials. With the new necklace, you'll now have access to the hard mode version of the dungeon instance. To enable hardcore Tazavesh, you'll need to zone out of Tazavesh, set it to Mythic and then zone in into a fresh instance. Once inside, you'll need to equip that passively forge credentials and then use it in order to turn yourself into a broker. Once you get your disguise, you need to talk to Fe’tajid, a broker that will help you access the hard mode version of the instance. Once you click through all of his dialogue options, you'll be able to enable the hard mode version of this dungeon. Afterwards you should go through the entire dungeon instance, it just blast through all of the bosses all the way to the very end to unlock this achievement. However, it is also highly recommended to do hard mode Tazavesh as a group at least with one extra player. This is because for the final boss of the dungeon, it'll require two players to pass a beam through one another and you'll need to pass this beam through relics which surround the boss that grant the boss 99% damage reduction. Technically, you could just solo the boss with this 99% damage reduction buff, but it will take you roughly about 10 minutes in order to do so on your own. But having a friend with you by your side will allow you to clear through the relics and remove this debuff completely thus making the fight a lot easier to get through.
Dead Men Tell Some Tales
Next we have Renown and Covenant campaign achievements. Starting off with Dead Men Tell Some Tales which requires you to complete every Covenant Campaign. Go to Oribos, join the Covenant and then go through the entire storyline of the Covenant until you finish it fully. And then you can switch over to your covenants back in Oribos.
Earn 80 Renown With Covenants
The next achievement is going to be renowned which is where you'll need to earn 80 renown for every one of the Shadowlands Covenants. However, there's already a lot of in-game systems in place since the end of Shadowlands where you have a lot of catch-ups present, so you should be able to get through all the renown for all the covenants passively as you do all of the other in-game activities.
Upgrade Covenant Sanctums
The next achievement is going to be Sanctum Superior which requires you to upgrade all of your covenants sanctums with rank 3 buildings and structures. These sanctum upgrades provide you a new covenant various bonuses from additional mobility in the form of portals to additional activities that are Covenant specific as well as additional rares that you can now unlock within the regions of those covenants. To upgrade part of your covenant's sanctum, you require redeemed souls as well as Anima which will earn through a variety of open world content. Anima is awarded through a variety of Shadowland activities and is the easiest resource to replenish. After you replenish the Anima for a Sanctum, you will have a quest line that allows you to gain additional souls in order to put them to use in your Covenant Sanctum. However, upgrading various parts of your Covenant Sanctum has a bit of downtime involved as in there's actual in-game time that needs to pass before certain buildings or structures are eventually built. This means you should go back to those Covenant Sanctum once in a while just to get some of the structures rolling and let them slowly get built over time while you work on other objectives and other achievements as part of the Shadowland's completionist goal.
Shadowlands Dilettante
As you upgrade your Covenant Sanctums, you also get access to your covenants special features, which is required for the Shadowland's Dilettante achievement. Dilettante Covenant will be able to host lavish parties inviting a variety of different guests to partake in all of the festivities. Necro Lords will get access to a new crafting station where they can craft their own Abominations. Night Fae will get to grow a garden of Souls. All of these activities have their own unique achievements involved with them also which you will need to unlock separately for each and every one of the covenants. This part of the Covenant achievement process is one of the more time consuming ones. So make sure to pace yourself accordingly and just focus on one Covenant at a time until it is fully completed.
Open World and Story Achievement
Besides Covenant and renown, we also have additional open world achievements. Some of which are going to be very straightforward like the chains of domination and secrets of the first ones. We have to complete the story chapters of patch 9.1 and 9.2. Then we have walking in Maw-mphis which requires it to complete all of the unique achievements and encounters within the zone of the maw. While in the maw, you could also complete on the offensive which requires you to participate in Covenant Assaults and earn achievements within those assaults which will be on a strict rotation with different covenants attacking different parts of the maw which will unlock you access to certain achievements at different times. Leaving the maw, we also have the zone of Zereth Mortis with an achievement “From A to Zereth” which involves completing all of the Zereth Mortis open world content such as finding all of the unique treasures doing the main story chapters, completing special encounters and even crafting creatures in the Zereth Mortis to protoform forge.
Open World and Story Achievement
Besides Covenant and renown, we also have additional open world achievements. Some of which are going to be very straightforward like the chains of domination and secrets of the first ones. We have to complete the story chapters of patch 9.1 and 9.2. Then we have walking in Maw-mphis which requires it to complete all of the unique achievements and encounters within the zone of the maw. While in the maw, you could also complete on the offensive which requires you to participate in Covenant Assaults and earn achievements within those assaults which will be on a strict rotation with different covenants attacking different parts of the maw which will unlock you access to certain achievements at different times. Leaving the maw, we also have the zone of Zereth Mortis with an achievement “From A to Zereth” which involves completing all of the Zereth Mortis open world content such as finding all of the unique treasures doing the main story chapters, completing special encounters and even crafting creatures in the Zereth Mortis to protoform forge.

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