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When purchasing more Lost Ark gold EU Central Elpon from Utplay.com, you'll save more money. You can get 60000 Lost Ark EU Central Elpon gold for 19.55 USD. We've serviced a large number of customers who have been delighted by both the quickness and thoughtfulness of our high-quality Lost Ark EU Central Elpon gold service. On this EU Central Elpon Server, there are 76 orders that have been done successfully here. Let us know if you have any concerns about purchasing cheap ARK gold EU Central Elpon.
The fifth Warrior Advanced Class - Slayer was officially announced in Lost Ark 2023 Roadmap Part 2 and will be added to the game in the May update! So follow us to take a look at the release time of this brand new class, identity, engraving, skills, synergy, and build variations!Lost Ark Slayer Rele...4/26/2023 2:08:51 PM
Story Express brings new players and returning players, as well as players who want to have more alts, a shortcut to level up quickly, completely eliminating the endless grinding and repeated activities. Join us here to explore how Story Express can help you work, and what rewards are available to h...3/16/2023 12:36:18 PM
In this Lost Ark Guide, we cover the Best Recommended Setting option for your Lost Ark Journey. Some of the players were wondering about the Korean Community presets or Configurations, so here we will share some of those tips.Lost Ark Settings Guide 2023 - Best Graphic, Performance, Mouse, Auto Dism...2/17/2023 9:38:21 AM
When sharing with you all the stuff that is coming in the lost ark reaper patch on the 16th of November, getting so much amazing stuff and the lost ark reaper class so, and it keeps you up to date on everything lost ark, you never miss out on any news about Lost Ark.Lost Ark November Update 2022 - L...11/10/2022 5:22:41 PM
Today, we are going to discuss the new Lost Ark Roadmap for August and September, under the Arkesian Sun update. It has been revealed that they normally add a lot more to the actual patches on release. The August patch is basically a quality of life patch with the Lost Ark September patch split into...8/24/2022 10:25:07 AM
The free Punika Powerpass and Express Event have finally rolled out in Lost Ark, which gives all players a free honing buff to upgrade their alts to 1370! In this guide, we tell you how to get and use the Punika Pass, as wellas give you suggestions on ALT selection for the Free Power pass!How To Get...7/20/2022 6:04:41 PM
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