Lost Ark Leveling Guide News
5/16/2022 4:44:13 PMEven though the legion raid has not dropped in Lost Ark yet, the discussion about it never stopped. What’s the difference between Valtan 1415 Normal and 1445 Hard mode? We’ll get into the gold and mats rewards for each mode, combing the Valtan rewards and 1415 to 1445 honing cost for T3, you may hav...
5/11/2022 6:51:00 PMLost Ark May update is almost upon us, in today’s destroyer prep guide, we are talking about how you can prepare the arrival of the destroyer class and more. We'll go over leveling scenarios, how to gear up, how to progress, what you can do right now to be prepared for destroyer, and how to make gol...
5/11/2022 3:07:04 PMTo find the most cost-effective way to hone your gear in Lost Ark, you can actually use some tools to save time and make correct decisions. One of the most useful tools you can’t miss is the Maxroll’s Lost Ark Honing (Upgrade) Calculator, which can calculate upgrade materials and honing costs exactl...
5/7/2022 4:44:44 PMHow you can be cost-efficient as a shadowhunter at certain item levels in lost ark tier 3? Lost Ark Tier 3 Shadowhunter Efficient Set-Ups: Wealth Runes, Stats, Tripods, Gems, Viable Engravings& Item level Parking SpotsLost Ark Tier 3 Shadowhunter Efficient Set-Ups: Shadowhunter Efficiency Now the f...
5/5/2022 3:04:14 PMIn this guide, we cover 3 best ways to make gold, fast reach 100000 gold and progress your character in Lost Ark to Giga chad level where you can look down and flex upon noobs with your newly acquired power.How To Reach 100000 Gold Fast In Lost Ark - 3 Best Ways To Make Gold1. 30000 Gold From Sellin...
5/4/2022 3:15:08 PMWe'll have a new engraving guide for Lost Ark, basically the four engravings are level 15, we hopefully this can be helpful and help you to get your Lost Ark engravings to 3/3/3/3. Related Read: Lost Ark 1325 to 1415 Gear Honing Guide: 14 useful tips and methods for what to do when you before & aft...
4/19/2022 11:32:14 AMToday to go over a basic guide for lost ark excavating, and one of the best ways to quickly level gold making trade skills up. You can just skip to the farm spot, lost ark excavating is one of the most underrated trade skills in the western version of the lost ark, it's one of the best trade skills ...
4/19/2022 11:01:43 AMThe new advanced class Glaiver is coming to Lost Ark, many players have already started impatiently preparing for this powerful character and collecting currency & enhancement materials to get Glaivier through tier 2 or tier 3 once she is released. Today we provide some advices for those of you look...
4/13/2022 4:04:44 PMWant to get the best 3x max level engravings but spend the least gold in Lost Ark? If so, check out this guide you will find the cheapest methods to level up your class engravings to the MAX!Lost Ark Cheapest Ways To Level Up 3x Engravings To Max 3 LEVELAs you know, getting 3 of your engravings leve...
4/11/2022 2:13:12 PMHow to get through that big dry spell that comes with lost ark tier 2 resources, it has been a tough grind to get to tier three, but at least some quick ways to play through right. Here is a guide to help you to enter into the lost ark tier 3 quickly. Lost ark Tier 2 to Tier 3 Guide- Quickest Ways T...
3/3/2022 2:05:00 PMAlt in Lost Ark refers to an alternative account, which means players can use more than one character. What does alt do and do you need alts in Lost Ark? In this guide, we are going to talk about when and how to use alts as well as Lost Ark best alt classes to make. Related Read: Lost Ark New Classe...
3/2/2022 2:05:08 PMPlayers are allowed to gear up from tier 1 to tier 3 in Lost Ark, during the process, you need to upgrade your gear level to achieve the next tier. How to upgrade gear in Lost Ark and what you should know about the gear honing system? Get into the basics of Lost Ark gear upgrading and honing. How to...
3/1/2022 5:52:59 PMLost Ark has been released and with that people are rushing to the soft cap of level 50. But what should you do when you hit level 51? It’s common to be overwhelmed by all of the systems that are going to be thrown at you and it’s easy to do things in the wrong order, especially when it comes to the...
2/24/2022 12:06:56 PMWhat is the fastest way to gear up in Lost Ark? Today we're island hopping to farm tons of upgrade materials so we can get Lost Ark gear as high as we possibly can and then progress through all of the end game tiers. We are going to cover is extremely easy to do, doesn't require a high item level an...