Patch 10.0.7 is here bringing with the Primordial Stones & Onyx Annulet ring gearing option. In this guide, we are going to take you through the primordial stone system step by step, how to get the onyx amulet ring, where to find primordial stones and how to upgrade them to 424 ilvl. By the end of this guide, we talk about how to get Zskera Vaults keys in WoW Dragonflight.
Dragonflight 10.0.7 How To Get Onyx Annulet Ring & Primordial Stones | Easy Ilvl 424 Ring Guide
One of the most important new features in patch 10.0.7 is the primordial stone and the onyx annulet ring gearing option. The Onyx amulet ring is very special in that you can only slot primordial stones into it and the stone's effects make up the entirety of the ring's effectiveness, no secondary or primary stats, no additional gem sockets, it's just for primordial stones. These stones are so powerful that the ring should be an upgrade for everyone in the game including high-end raiders and mythic+ dungeoneers. So everyone is going to want to get their hands on it and on the best primordial stones available to socket into it. Now keep reading this guide and learn the fastest way to get the new 424 ilvl ring onyx annulet, how to easily upgrade it.
How to Get the Onyx Annulet Ring in Dragonflight 10.0.7?
To get the onyx annulet ring, you will need to unlock the new zskera vault activity in the Forbidden Reach Zone. When you first log in, you'll get a quest called hidden legacies, you need to pop up to the top of the seat of the aspects and talk to the Dracthyr near the edge, they'll show you a cool cinematic and then you head on over to the Forbidden reach. So hop on your favorite Dragon riding mount and soar on over to the Forbidden Reach towards the north side of the Dragon Isles. When you're here, you need to complete the quests from scalecommander viridia until you get the quest exploring our past. This should only take you about 10 to 20 minutes of gameplay and this quest opens up the zskera vaults.
When you get into your first zskera vault, clear out the monsters that you find down the stairs and you should find a little circle on the floor with a quest icon. This is the onyx amulet, pick up the quest and head back outside. Do not opening any zskera vault doors just yet, you'll want to save your keys for some important doors in just a moment. So head back outside, hand in the onyx amulet quest and you will get the onyx amulet ring. You can start socketing your primordial stones into the ring and take advantage of your new powers. But there are a few other things you should do to maximize your ring's potential. You should be given a new quest to pick up a Jeweler's kit and an anvil from inside the zskera vault. So grab that quest and head back into the zskera vaults.
How to Unlock Stone Crushing & Unsocketing Stones
The quest items are located inside vaults behind the locked doors, so you need at least 2 keys to get this quest done. One key to unlock the door on the lowest floor that leads to the jeweler's kit. It's very easy to see which door the quest items are behind if you walk up to the door and follow the yellow diamond quest icon. So grab the jeweler's kit and then that's done, but the Anvil is always on the second floor so you'll need to go up one level. Each vault has a different kind of method for going upwards in a vault. For the spider vault which should be the first kind of vault we get, you just need to use the spiders web to climb up to the second floor. The quest item is not on at the first door, so you will need to jump across a few times to get to the right door. If you cannot do that yourself, if you don't have a large jump or a movement ability, the vault door on the same platform as the spider's web always contains a potion on the floor, when you right click it, you'll get an extra action button that lets you jump further. So you can use that if you have no other options. Open the door with the Anvil, pick it up and go hand that quest in.
After you turn in the quest, you'll unlock the Jewelers kit and the Anvil in the Forbidden Reach hub. The Jewelers kit lets you unsocket primordial stones from your onyx amulet, just walk next to it and you'll get an extra action button, you can use to pull the stones out and then the Anvil lets you crush primordial stones. So if you get a duplicate or a stone you aren't interested in at all, you can use the extra action button to smash that stone into fragments. Each stone you smash should give you 6 fragments total.
Dragonflight 10.0.7 Fragments & How to Use
These fragments are used to buy more stones or to upgrade your stones. The NPC you handed your onyx amulet quest into will sell you families of primordial stones based on their element. So you can buy a firestone or a frost stone, so you can Target these somewhat. But there is still RNG because you can get any Firestone or any Frost Stone from these items. Each stone will cost you 10 fragments, so for every two stones, you destroy, you can buy one stone or gamble for another stone. But the good news is that if you get a stone, you don't want from that gambling, you can just crush it to get 6 fragments back, so you really only lost or wasted 4. This is going to be the main way you can target stones that you actually want, because every other source is simply just RNG.
The other use for these fragments is to upgrade your stones, stones can be upgraded to increase their effectiveness. So stone deals extra damage, upgrading it will deal more damage. If a stone gives you a shield, upgrading it will give you a bigger shield. Upgrading a stone also increases its item levels, stone start item level 411 and can be upgraded to item level 424, which will also increase the item level of your onyx annulet ring up to 424, which means everyone will have access to an item level 424 ring in this patch, you just need to upgrade your stones enough times. To upgrade a stone or upgrade onyx annulet to 424 iLvl in WoW Dragonflight 10.0.7, you're going to need unstable Elementium.
How to get Unstable Elementium in WoW Dragonflight 10.0.7? This can be crafted by a jewel crafter, it requires 10 fragments as well as 25 silk and gemdust. Unstable Elementium is bind on pickup, so you will need to make a crafting order for these. As long as there are enough jewel crafters out there with the recipe, you should be able to get these made via a public work order pretty easily, or if you have a guild jewel crafter or a friend or just happen to know a serious jewel crafter, hopefully they'll be able to get the recipe to cover your upgrade needs as well.
Upgrade Recipe Location
If you're curious, the recipe for this upgrade item is dropped from a rare in the Forbidden Reach called amethyst. This is actually a summoned rare and to summon it a jewel crafter will need to craft a crystal tuning fork. The recipe can be bought from a vendor in the Forbidden Reach hub. The fork required for the craft is a random drop from any Forbidden Reach mob. When you have a crystal tuning fork, you can interact with this resonant crystal in a cave just above the moka village to summon amethyst and hopefully you'll get your upgrade recipe.
How To Get Primordial Stones in Dragonflight 10.0.7
Ultimately, this all comes down to getting as many primordial stones as you can. The more stones you get, the higher chances of getting the ones you actually want. But the more stones you get, the more you can crush., so the more fragments you have to play with. You can then use those fragments to either Target specific stones at the vendor, or you can use them to upgrade the good stones you already have. So where to get primordial stones as quickly as possible?
The main source of primordial stones is going to be zskera vault. Most doors in the vaults will have a big chest inside which contains a random primordial stone. A lot of the vaults also contain chests with lots of fragments inside too, so almost no matter what, as long as you're opening scare of old doors, you should be adding to your collection at a steady pace.
To open zskera vault doors, you are going to need zskera vault keys, these come from a variety of sources in the Forbidden Reach Zone, but the main sources seem to be rares, treasure chests and events. If something is marked on your world map, if it has an icon, go do it. Chances are you'll get a zskera vault key, that's what most of this patch is centered around. Earning keys and using them to open vault doors.
Dragonflight Zskera Vault Keys & How To Unlock
Players can obtain Zskera Vault Keys in Ddragonflight 10.0.7 by completing quests. The two best ways to find keys are to hunt down elite enemies which have the chance to drop these keys and to complete Primal Storms in the region. Participate in some events will also probably drop Vault keys.
Zskera Vault keys are bind on account, so you can pass them around your characters. You can use this to your advantage in two distinct ways, first you can send your Mains access keys to any of your alts to help them with their stone collection and speed up their progression. Or you can use your alts to send extra keys to your main to very quickly open up a whole bunch of doors and to max out your mains ring as quickly as possible.
That's everything you need to know about the new primordial stone system in patch 10.0.7. Where to get the onyx amulet ring, how to get primordial stones, how to use them, upgrade them and swap them around. So you should be able to make a powerful onyx amulet ring which should help you out in all of your 10.0.7 adventures and even into the early days of season 2 content as well. How do you feel about the primordial stone system as a whole? Is this a fun new way to help catch up your characters and alts in power level, or do you think it's not going to be worth the effort with it being replaced so soon in season 2 of Dragonflight?

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