![Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][775 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][775 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Beast[Berserker Axe][260-274% ED & 30-40 Str] Beast[Berserker Axe][260-274% ED & 30-40 Str]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Beast[Berserker Axe][270-285% ED & 30-40 Str] Beast[Berserker Axe][270-285% ED & 30-40 Str]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Beast[Berserker Axe][Random] Beast[Berserker Axe][Random]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Breath of the Dying[Berserker Axe(ETH)][385-410% ED] Breath of the Dying[Berserker Axe(ETH)][385-410% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Breath of the Dying[Berserker Axe(ETH)][Random] Breath of the Dying[Berserker Axe(ETH)][Random]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Breath of the Dying[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][Random] Breath of the Dying[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][Random]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][4-6BC & 6BO] Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][4-6BC & 6BO]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][6BC & 6BO & 4BC] Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][6BC & 6BO & 4BC]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][Random] Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][Random]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Call To Arms*[Flail][4-6BC & 6BO] Call To Arms*[Flail][4-6BC & 6BO]](/Images/D2/flail_graphic.png)

![Call To Arms*[Flail][6BC & 6BO & 4BC] Call To Arms*[Flail][6BC & 6BO & 4BC]](/Images/D2/flail_graphic.png)

![Call To Arms*[Flail][Random] Call To Arms*[Flail][Random]](/Images/D2/flail_graphic.png)

![Chains of Honor[Archon Plate(15 ED)][Random] Chains of Honor[Archon Plate(15 ED)][Random]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Chains of Honor[Archon Plate(ETH & 15 ED)][Random] Chains of Honor[Archon Plate(ETH & 15 ED)][Random]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Chains of Honor[Sacred Armor(15 ED)][Random] Chains of Honor[Sacred Armor(15 ED)][Random]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Chains of Honor[Sacred Armor(ETH & 15 ED)][Random] Chains of Honor[Sacred Armor(ETH & 15 ED)][Random]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Death[Berserker Axe(ETH)][350-384% ED] Death[Berserker Axe(ETH)][350-384% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Death[Berserker Axe(ETH)][385-400% ED] Death[Berserker Axe(ETH)][385-400% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Doom[Berserker Axe][350-370% ED] Doom[Berserker Axe][350-370% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Doom[Berserker Axe][371-385% ED] Doom[Berserker Axe][371-385% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Doom[Berserker Axe][50-59% CR & 350%+ED] Doom[Berserker Axe][50-59% CR & 350%+ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Doom[Berserker Axe][60% CR & 350%+ED] Doom[Berserker Axe][60% CR & 350%+ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][750-759 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][750-759 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][760-774 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][760-774 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][775 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][775 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][750-759 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][750-759 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][760-774 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][760-774 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][750-759 Defense] Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][750-759 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][760-774 Defense] Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][760-774 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][775 Defense] Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][775 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Exile[Sacred Targe(ETH & 40-44 Res)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED] Exile[Sacred Targe(ETH & 40-44 Res)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED]](/Images/D2/targe_graphic.png)

![Exile[Vortex Shield(ETH & 40-44 Res)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED] Exile[Vortex Shield(ETH & 40-44 Res)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED]](/Images/D2/crownshield_graphic.png)

![Exile[Vortex Shield(ETH)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED] Exile[Vortex Shield(ETH)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED]](/Images/D2/crownshield_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][15 FA & 1 Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][15 FA & 1 Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][15A & 2Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][15A & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 15 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 15 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 15 ED)][15A & 2Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 15 ED)][15A & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill)][15A & 2Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill)][15A & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Shadow Bow(13-14 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills] Faith[Shadow Bow(13-14 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/longbow_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH )][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH )][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Grief[Berserker Axe][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS] Grief[Berserker Axe][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Grief[Berserker Axe][Random] Grief[Berserker Axe][Random]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade(10-14ED)][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS] Grief[Phase Blade(10-14ED)][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade(15ED)][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS] Grief[Phase Blade(15ED)][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade][35-39IAS] Grief[Phase Blade][35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS] Grief[Phase Blade][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade][Damage +360-399] Grief[Phase Blade][Damage +360-399]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][255-259 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][255-259 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][260-299 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][260-299 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][300-324 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][300-324 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][325-334 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][325-334 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][335-340 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][335-340 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][255-259 ED] Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][255-259 ED]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][260-299 ED] Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][260-299 ED]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][300-324 ED] Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][300-324 ED]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][325-334 ED] Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][325-334 ED]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Great Poleaxe[(ETH)][335-340 ED] Infinity[Great Poleaxe[(ETH)][335-340 ED]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Scythe][-50-54LR] Infinity[Scythe][-50-54LR]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Scythe][-55LR] Infinity[Scythe][-55LR]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][255-259 ED] Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][255-259 ED]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][260-299 ED] Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][260-299 ED]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][300-324 ED] Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][300-324 ED]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][325-334 ED] Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][325-334 ED]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][335-340 ED] Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][335-340 ED]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Mosaic[Runic Talons(+3Phoenix)][240%+ED] Mosaic[Runic Talons(+3Phoenix)][240%+ED]](/Images/D2/claws_graphic.png)

![Oath[Berserker Axe(ETH)][+260-339% ED] Oath[Berserker Axe(ETH)][+260-339% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Oath[Berserker Axe(ETH)][+340-345% ED] Oath[Berserker Axe(ETH)][+340-345% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![phoenix[Monarch(15ED)][13-15 RA & 370+ Def] phoenix[Monarch(15ED)][13-15 RA & 370+ Def]](/Images/D2/kiteshield_graphic.png)

![Pride[Giant Thresher(ETH & 10-14ED)][17-19CR] Pride[Giant Thresher(ETH & 10-14ED)][17-19CR]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Pride[Great Poleaxe(ETH & 10-14ED)][17-19CR] Pride[Great Poleaxe(ETH & 10-14ED)][17-19CR]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Spirit[Monarch(10-14 ED)][35FCR] Spirit[Monarch(10-14 ED)][35FCR]](/Images/D2/kiteshield_graphic.png)

![Spirit[Monarch(15ED)][35FCR] Spirit[Monarch(15ED)][35FCR]](/Images/D2/kiteshield_graphic.png)

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![Spirit[Monarch][Random] Spirit[Monarch][Random]](/Images/D2/kiteshield_graphic.png)

![Spirit[Sacred Targe(40-44Res)][35FCR] Spirit[Sacred Targe(40-44Res)][35FCR]](/Images/D2/targe_graphic.png)

![Spirit[Sacred Targe(45Res)][35FCR] Spirit[Sacred Targe(45Res)][35FCR]](/Images/D2/targe_graphic.png)

How to start the season with the Barbarian character when Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder reset? Here we’ll show you a top D2R Season 6 Barb build with detailed setups. Best D2R Season 6 Barbarian Build - Top Build for Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder ResetIf you are looking to make a budget-friendly Barbari...2/27/2024 4:52:07 PM
Even though there are no patch notes and changes in Diablo II Resurrected Ladder S6, you are still going to have a lot of things to do. Once the Ladder reset, here we’ll present top D2R Season 6 builds that are not common.Top 5 Best Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 6 Builds for Different Classes I...2/22/2024 10:28:13 AM
We are stepping into Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 6, which character to start with, and how to make your build? Follow us to check out a top-tier D2R Ladder Starter build for S6, with the best budget setup that makes you powerful. Best D2R Ladder Season 6 Starter Build: Overpowered & Budget Frenzy Ba...1/18/2024 5:24:47 PM
Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 5 brings forth a multitude of challenges, including tackling the formidable Uber bosses. These powerful adversaries demand exceptional builds that can withstand their might and emerge victorious. In this article, we will explore the top 3 best Uber builds for Seaso...10/30/2023 6:15:00 PM
Here we've summed up the most all-around and budget builds for starting the Season 5 Ladder in Diablo II Resurrected!D2R Season 5 Best Builds - Top 6 Budget All-Around Builds for 2.8 Ladder ResetIn the new Ladder Season of Diablo 2 Resurrected, some people want to start off with a build they know i...10/1/2023 7:51:59 PM
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